
(Chris Devlin) #1
sound phenomena as accent (see accent^1 ) and intonation, which may
stretch over more than one segment.

selected-response item n
a type of test item or test task that requires test takers to choose answers
from a ready-made list rather than providing an answer. The most commonly
used types of selected-response items include multiple-choice items,
true /false items, and matching items.
see also constructed-response item

selection n
(in language teaching) the choice of linguistic content (vocabulary, grammar,
etc.) for a language course, textbook, etc. Procedures for selecting language
items to include in a language course include the use of frequency
counts, needs analysis, and pedagogic grammars.
see also syllabus

selectional restrictions n
the semantic restrictions that a word imposes on the environment in
which it occurs. For example, a verb like hoperequires that its subject be

selection bias n
see external validity

selective branching n
see branching

selective listening n
in the teaching of listening comprehension, a strategy whereby students
are asked to attend to specific information that has been signalled prior to

self n
an aspect ofpersonality that consists of a person’s view of their own
identity and characteristics. A person’s sense of his or her self is formed as
a result of contact and experiences with other people and how they view
and treat the individual. Self has been discussed as a personality variable
in second language learning.
see also cognitive variable

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