
(Chris Devlin) #1

topic-centred approach n
also topic-based approach n
in language teaching, a curriculum, course or syllabus in which content and
teaching and learning activities are centred around topics or themes, such
as “the family”, “leisure”, “music”, etc. Other aspects of the course (skills,
grammar, etc.) are all linked to the core topics of the course.
see content-based instruction

topic outline n
see outline

Topic-Prominent language n
see subject-prominent language

topic sentence n
according to some schools of composition theory, a sentence which
describes the topic, purpose or main idea of a paragraph, i.e. which states
what the paragraph is about. A topic sentence may be the first sentence in a
paragraph, with the other sentences adding illustrative or supporting
details (a paragraph which follows deductive reasoning – see deduction)
or it may be the final sentence of a paragraph (a paragraph which follows
inductive reasoning – see induction). Sometimes the topic sentence in a
paragraph may be unstated but implied. In English a topic sentence often
contains an opinion that will be proved or supported in the paragraph or a
statement which the writer will explain in more detail in the paragraph. For
example, the first sentence in the following paragraph is the topic sentence.
In order to get a summer job, there are a number of things you should do.
You should first decide on the kind of job you want. You should check
all relevant sources for jobs. You should also start looking early. It is also
useful to prepare a short résumé. Above all, be confident and don’t be
discouraged by any refusals you may get.

top-to-bottom adj
see serial learning
see also top-down processing

total communication n
a method of teaching hearing impaired children which is based on the
simultaneous use of both sign languageand spoken language. This allows
the child to use both vision and residual hearing. The results achieved
may depend on the manual method employed and the skill of the teacher

total communication
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