Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

7.5 Maxwell Equations in Differential Form 101

equations, the first one of which is referred to asOersted law,are

εμνλ∇νHλ=jμ, ∇μBμ= 0.

Applications of the stationary equations are given in Sects.8.2.7and8.3.5.
The first of the homogeneous Maxwell equations (7.57), viz.




is referred to asFaraday law. It underlies the coupling between electric and magnetic
the application of this differential equation to theFaraday inductionsee Sect.8.2.8.

7.5.3 Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum

In vacuum, whereD=ε 0 EandB=μ 0 H, and forρ=0,jμ=0, application of
εαβμ∇βon the first equation of (7.57), use of (4.10) for the double cross product,

and of∇νEν=0, yields−ΔEα=−μ (^0) ∂∂tεαβμHμ. The second equation of (7.56)
links the curl of theHfield with the time derivative ofε 0 E. This then leads to the
wave equation





E= 0 , (7.60)

with the speed of light, in vacuum, determined by

c^2 =(ε 0 μ 0 )−^1. (7.61)

The magnetic fieldHobeys the same type of wave equation. The symbol







is thed’Alembert operator. A solution of (7.60)is

Eμ=Eμ(^0 )f(ξ ), ξ=k̂νrν−ct, (7.63)

whereEμ(^0 )is a constant vector characterizing the polarization of the field,k̂νis a
unit vector parallel to the wave vector, pointing in the direction of propagation of
the radiation, andfis any function which can be differentiated twice. Notice that
̂kνE(ν^0 )=0, i.e. the electromagnetic radiation, in vacuum, is atransverse wave.

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