Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

14.2 Rotation of Second Rank Tensors 263

The fourth rank tensorH is defined by

Hμν,μ′ν′≡εμλμ′hλδνν′+ενλν′hλδμμ′=Hμμ′δνν′+Hνν′δμμ′. (14.24)

The infinitesimal rotation of a symmetric tensorSis also described byH,viz.

Sμν′ =Sμν+δφHμν,μ′ν′Sμ′ν′. (14.25)

In the following, it is assumed thatSis also traceless, i.e. it is an irreducible second

rank tensor:Sμν= Sμν.The rotated tensorSμν′ is also irreducible. Then one has


andH is equivalent to
Hμν,μ′ν′= 2 hλμν,λ,μ′ν′, (14.26)

for...see (11.19).

14.2.2 Fourth Rank Projection Tensors

Fourth rank projection tensorsP(m^1 ,m^2 )are defined via products of the second rank
projectors (14.7):

Pμν,μ(m^1 ,m′ν^2 ′)=Pμμ(m^1 ′)Pνν(m′^2 ). (14.27)

The fourth rank projectors have the property

Pμν,λκ(m^1 ,m^2 )P
(m′ 1 ,m′ 2 )
λκ,μ′ν′ =P

(m 1 ,m 2 )
μν,μ′ν′δ(m 1 m′ 1 )δ(m 2 m′ 2 ). (14.28)

The relation



m 1 =− 1


m 2 =− 1

i(m 1 +m 2 )Pμν,μ(m^1 ,m′ν^2 ′)Sμ′ν′

follows the definition ofHand the properties ofH. Insertion ofPinto this equation
and use of (14.28) leads to

Hμν,λκP(λκ,μm^1 ,′mν^2 ′)=i(m 1 +m 2 )Pμν,μ(m^1 ,m′ν^2 ′). (14.29)
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