Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

Index 435

Effective mass, 375
Effective shear viscosity, 315
Eigenvalues, 56
Einstein summation convention, 370
Elastic behavior, 284
Elastic modulus tensor, 310
Elastic properties, 304
Elastic turbulence, 368
Electric and magnetic torques, 64
Electric dipole transitions, 236
Electric displacement field, 63 , 98
Electric field, 63 , 98
Electric polarization, 99 , 174 , 204 , 301
Electric quadupole transitions, 237
Electrodynamic 4-potential, 381
Electrodynamics, 98 , 99 , 138
Electromagnetic potential functions, 102
Electromagnetic waves, 101
Electro-optic Kerr effect, 209
Electroscalar potential, 102
Electrostatic energy, 174
Electrostatic force density, 146
Electrostatic potential, 168 , 170
Electrostatics, 94 , 145
Electrostatic stress tensor, 146
Ellipsoid, 66
Ellipsoidal particles, 335
Ellipsoids of revolution, 336
Embedded atom method, 312
Energetic coupling, 294
Energy balance, 147
Energy density, 146
Energy flux density, 147 , 151
Energy principle, 302
Entropy production, 302 , 313 , 320 , 323 , 344
Epsilon-tensor, 47
Equal potential surfaces, 78
Equation of motion, 80
Equilibrium average, 214
Ericksen-Leslie coefficients, 347
Expansion, 225
Expansion coefficients, 203 , 220
Expansion functions, 215
Extended irreversiblet thermodynamics, 327
Extensional viscosity, 331

Faraday induction, 101 , 129
Ferro-fluids, 314 , 332
Field, 77
Field tensor, 382

Field-induced orientation, 205
Flexo-electric effect, 296
Flow alignment, 337 , 343
Flow alignment angle, 338
Flow birefringence, 322
Fluctuations, 351
Flux density, 140 , 381
Flux of a vector field, 123
Fokker-Planck equation, 210
Fokker-Planck relaxation operator, 217
Force, 79 , 175
Force balance, 144
Force density, 143 , 386
Four-dimensional vectors, 370
Four-field formulation, 98
Fourier-Laplace transform, 353
Fourth rank projection tensors, 36 , 263
Fourth rank rotation tensor, 264
Frank elasticity coefficients, 285
Frank-Oseen elasticity, 285
Free currents, 99
Free energy, 309
Free flow of nematics, 337
Frequency dependent viscosity, 326
Frictional torque, 339
Friction force, 178
Friction pressure tensor, 177 , 220

Galilei transformation, 372
Gases of rotating molecules, 324
Gauss law, 100 , 139
Gauss theorem, 136
Generalized cross product, 187
Generalized Fokker-Planck equation, 338
Generalized Gauss theorem, 136
Generalized Legendre polynomial, 196
Generalized Stokes law, 124
Geometric interpretation, 65
Gibbs relation, 292
Gradient, 79
Graphical representation, 95
Green-Kubo relation, 335
Gyromagnetic factor, 318

Hall-effect, 268
Hamilton-Cayley, 241 , 260
Hamilton-Cayley theorem, 71
Head-tail symmetry, 274 , 277
Hear deformations, 305
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