Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing by Videbeck

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
herself harshly, and does not participate in
satisfying interpersonal relationships.

  • Founders of existentialism include Albert
    Ellis (rational emotive therapy), Viktor
    Frankl (logotherapy), Frederick Perls
    (gestalt therapy), and William Glasser
    (reality therapy).

  • All existential therapies have the goals of re-
    turning the person to an authentic sense of
    self through emphasizing personal responsi-
    bility for oneself and one’s feelings, behavior,
    and choices.

  • A crisis is a turning point in an individual’s
    life that produces an overwhelming response.
    Crises may be maturational, situational, or
    adventitious. Effective crisis intervention in-
    cludes assessment of the person in crisis,
    promotion of problem-solving, and provision
    of empathetic understanding.

  • Cognitive therapy is based on the premise
    that how a person thinks about or interprets
    life experiences determines how he or she
    will feel or behave. It seeks to help the per-
    son change how he or she thinks about
    things to bring about an improvement in
    mood and behavior.

  • Treatment for mental disorders and emotional
    problems can include one or more of the fol-
    lowing: individual psychotherapy, group
    psychotherapy, family therapy, family educa-
    tion, psychiatric rehabilitation, self-help
    groups, support groups, education groups, and
    other psychosocial interventions such as set-
    ting limits or giving positive feedback.

  • An understanding of psychosocial theories
    and treatment modalities can help the nurse
    select appropriate and effective intervention
    strategies to use with clients.
    For further learning, visit


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