Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism
Chapter 38 Benny Hinn, TBN and Rome Evangelist Benny Hinn is one of the most famous preachers of our day, and a regular guest on ...
A prophet of the LORD was sent to Asa to show him the error of his ways. ìAnd at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of J ...
When the apostleís wanted to follow the example of the Prophet Elijah and call fire down from heaven on their enemies, the Lord ...
It is also written that like Noah, the LORD Himself commended Job. ìAnd the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servan ...
The god-hood of believers is revelation knowledge according to Pastor Hinn. ìAre you ready for some real revelation knowledge... ...
ìGod came from heaven, became a man, made man into little gods, went back to heaven as a man. He faces the Father as a man. I fa ...
The god-hood of believers as professed by Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch [et al] is more closely related to the doctrines of Mormonism ...
ìThe Lord just said to me these words - I'm hearing myself say them for the first time - TBN will not be only a Christian networ ...
What is the power within that Benny Hinn speaks of? Is it the Holy Spirit or the Lord Jesus Christ? Not at all! Because accordin ...
ìAnd when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, Saying, Give ...
The Episcopal Church in America is on the verge of a major schism over the ordination on an openly homosexual priest. ìOpenly ga ...
ìAnd that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your ...
ìI watched Benny Hinn myself on Trinity Broadcasting Network with Paul Crouch, discussing the plans to do this. He confirmed tha ...
One of the ushers noticed this and took it upon himself to pray for me. I admitted to this young man that after prayer my knee f ...
When the disciples were given the power from on high, it was so that they could be witnesses of the Lord and salvation through H ...
ìAnd Kathryn did believe with all her heart that God intended for every church service to be a miracle service, for every pastor ...
Like Benny Hinn, she was dressed in white. If anyone has watched This is Your Day on a regular basis, you know that white is the ...
Fire from Heaven Anyone that has watched or gone to a Benny Hinn Crusade is familiar with his calling forth fire upon those in a ...
The apostles of Christ were admonished for wanting to call fire down on their enemies. ìAnd when his disciples James and John sa ...
ìAmong the devotees who sought a miracle from Hinn that evening was 10 year old immigrant Ashnil Prakash, afflicted with two bra ...
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