Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
To put what the Vatican said in more easily understandable teams:

“When a priest recites the Mass (special prayers and

incantations) and magically transforms the wafer and wine

into the body and blood of Jesus Christ – if anyone says

that it is only a symbol and not the literal flesh and blood

of Christ – that person is a heretic and damned.”

The person that dares to violate church law in this manner is considered to be
LESS than a human being. They are a heretic and fit to be exterminated by the
Church! If they will not recant, they must suffer the punishment for ìrebelling
against the Holy Roman Catholic Church and his holiness, the pope of Romeî.

In honor of those faithful Christians that sacrificed their lives for this truth, a few
of their names and stories will be recounted here.

ìFourteen persons, the chiefest of whom was called
Stephen, burned as heretics for the testimony of the
truth, by the papists at Orleans, in France, near the close
of A.D. 1022

A.D. 1022, near the close of the year, it seems, or, at the
latest. A.D. 1023, there were apprehended and publicly
burned, in France in the presence of King Robert, on account
of heresy (so-called by the papists), certain fourteen
persons...They were accused of having spoken evil of God,
and the holy sacraments, that is...of the body and blood of
our Lord (that is, the sacrament of the altar, which the
Romanists were wont to call the body and blood of the Lord).

Touching the accusations which were brought against these
afore-mentioned fourteen persons, they were, as is related:
That they had spoken against God; against the holy
sacraments...the sacrament of the altar [the Eucharist]...on
account of which there was inflicted upon them the very
cruel, dreadful and miserable death by fire.

But what they believed and maintained...[as to] touching the
Supper, [is] that they observed it according to the institution
of Christ, but rejected the mass and transubstantiation...î 2

There is also the account of faithful Christians known as Berengarians. They
were called this by the Catholics because they believed the same as a man
named Berengarius. He was a deacon that denied and taught against the doctrine
of transubstantiation and the mass.

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