Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

However, when the Lord Jesus taught the people to pray, He asked that the will
of the Heavenly Father be done!

ìAfter this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in

heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be

done in earth, as it is in heaven.î Matthew 6:9-10 (emphasis mine)

This statement about the will of Mary reveals the heart behind Catholic worship.
Considering the vast power that the Roman Institution attributes to their goddess,
itís quite obvious that they do see her as above God ñ as they see their church
above the Bible.

In these Last Days the Queen of heaven has made several remarkable
predictions. The Lady of All Nations, as she is sometimes called, made the
following known to Catholic visionary Ida Peerdeman:

ìOnce more I am here - The Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, and
Advocate is now standing before you. I have chosen this day:
on this day the Lady will be crowned. Theologians and
apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, listen carefully: I have
given you the explanation of the dogma. Work and ask for
this dogma. You should petition the Holy Father for this
dogma. On this date ëthe Lady of All Nationsí will receive Her
official title of ëLady of All Nations.íî 30 (emphasis mine)

These apparitions of the Queen of heaven have not escaped the eye of the
mainstream media.

ìIn 1997, Newsweek ran a cover story on the Virgin Mary. In
the article they write: ëIn many ways, the 20th century has
belonged to Mary. From almost every continent, visionaries
have reported more than 400 apparitions of the Virgin - more
than in the previous three centuries combined. Taken
together, these visions point to what the Marian Movement
believes is a millennial Age of Mary.íî 31

On the Catholic Queen of Heaven web page, a poll showed that 74% of the
people that visited the site favored Pope John Paul II declaring the Blessed Virgin
Co-Redemptrix. 32

As it was in the days of Constantine, there are those who do not ascribe to the
beliefs surrounding Christ and Christianity. But they can identify with ìthe Mother
of Godî.

ìÖmany Pagans and Witches, particularly those who were
raised as Catholics, now regard Mary as one of the numerous
forms of the Goddess.î 33
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