In keeping with the spirit of ecumenism, it seems Jack Hayford, leader of the
Church on the Way (the largest Four Square church in Southern California), and
the Pastor of Paul and Jan Crouch also places tradition above the Word of God.
"Redeeming worship [is centered] on the Lord's Table.
Whether your tradition celebrates it as Communion,
Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord's Supper, we are all called
to this centerpiece of Christian worship.î 5 (emphasis mine)
To his shame, Jack Hayford also has this to account for. In 1979 a small band
of Christians (myself included) were led by the Holy Spirit to send to the Cell
Group leaders of Church on the Way copies of an audio taped message by
David Wilkerson entitled The Vision. Some of those that were led of the Spirit to
send those tapes were members of Church on the Way, and believed the
message was vital for Christians to hear. On the cassette, Wilkerson, author of
The Cross and the Switchblade and pastor of Times Square Church in New York
City recounted part of what the Lord had shown him concerning the Last Days.
There were no inserts included with the tapes, nor were there requests for
donations, etc. The only article mailed was one audiocassette to each cell group
Jack Hayford personally responded and scolded us (with deeply religious
rhetoric) that we had no right to send the tapes to ìhis disciplesî without his
permission. Perhaps like his comrade in deception the pope of Rome, he doesnít
believe anyone can discern truth or learn anything concerning the Lord apart
from his tutelage.
Another piece of the ecumenical puzzle is the phenomenon known as Promise
Keepers. Famed University of Colorado football couch Bill McCartney started the
so-called Christian menís movement in 1990.
"We believe that we have a God-given mission to unite men
who are separated by race, geography, culture,
denomination, and economics.î 6 (emphasis mine)
This is yet another avenue in which the spirit of the Queen of heaven and
ecumenism has infiltrated Christianity. This movement has placed the
responsibility of the demise of marriage, out of control children and the general
state of chaos in our day squarely on the shoulders of men that call themselves
Christians. There is truth in this, but it is because the spiritual principality of the
Queen of heaven is not addressed and dealt with in the lives of believers that
have let this evil force gain so much momentum.
There is absolutely no other qualification to belong to Promise Keepers other
then claiming you follow the Lord Jesus. Many cults such as Mormons and
Jehovahís Witnesses claim that Jesus is Lord. However, these also deny the
deity of Christ, so in the truest sense of Christianity, they are not Christian.