Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

The Catholic Church places the Roman goddess equal to or above Christ in
many instances. But like all ecumenists, Bill McCartney and the Promise
Keepers long to bring them all together.

ì[Bill McCartney hoped to] bring as many as 100,000 ministers
and priests of all races togetherÖ[At this particular Promise
Keepers rally in Atlanta in 1995], there were 600 Roman
Catholics in attendence.î 7

All Roads Lead to Rome

In the 1960ís, the Catholic Church held a conference called Vatican II. The
purpose of this conference or synod was to address the Roman Institutionís
place and laws in a modern world.

ìThe restoration of unity among all Christians is one of the
principal concerns of the Second Vatican Council.î 8

ìThis sacred Synod exhorts all the Catholic faithful to
recognize the signs of the times and to participate skillfully
in the work of ecumenism.î 9

The attitude of the Holy Roman Catholic Church has never changed. Unity for
the Roman Institution is defined as all professing Christians coming under the
banner of the Pope of Rome, and submitting themselves to the dictates of canon
within the Catholic Church.

ìChrist the Lord founded one Church and one Church
only.î 10

ìJesus ChristÖwilled that the apostles and their successors
the bishops with Peter's successor [the pope] at their head
should preach the Gospel faithfully, administer the
sacraments, and rule the Church in love.î 11

ìFor it is only through Christ's Catholic Church, which is
ëthe all-embracing means of salvation,í that they can benefit
fully from the means of salvation.î 12 (emphasis mine)

ìForÖthe Catholic Church has been endowed with all
divinely revealed truth and with all means of grace.î 13
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