Pope John Paul II and Islam
Everyone is familiar with the tragedy that took place on September 11, 2001
when the World Trade Center was destroyed by Muslim extremists. This act of
terrorism took the lives of people from all over the globe.
The men responsible for these acts of destruction are dedicated to the god of
Islam known as Allah, and were practicing jihad against the infidels or
In the world of Islam, there are no moderates
ìThere is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. There are
many moderates who say they are Muslims, but the Koran
condemns them as pretenders, Muslim-wanna-bes, and
hypocrites who do not obey the commands of their godÖî 24
Jihad or holy war is the duty of every Muslim! Killing those who do not follow
Allah is not only acceptable, but also commanded according to the Koran.
ìThe Koran commands Muslims to kill infidels if they wish
to join the faithful in Paradise: 47:4-6, ëWhen ye encounter
the infidels, strike off their heads till ye have made a great
slaughter among them.. .And whoso fight for the cause of
God, their works he will not suffer to miscarry; He will
vouchsafe them guidance, and dispose their hearts aright;
And he will bring them into the Paradise, of which he hath
told them.íî 25
ìWhen your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you,
therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into
the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their
heads and strike off every fingertip of them.î Koran 8:12
Using passages such as the ones stated, these terrorists justify the killing of
innocents, Christians and Jews. During the Inquisition and the Crusades (when
the papal armies were fighting against the Muslims), the Catholic Church used
passages from the Bible to do the very same thing!
Pope John Paul II is doing his best to heal the breach between Catholics and
Muslims. On May 13, 1981 Muslim activist Mehmet Ali Agca attempted to
assassinate Pope John Paul II, and in 1983, the two sat face to face in Agcaís
prison cell and the pope forgave him. Perhaps his holiness was laying the
groundwork for when he too would ask the world to forgive the Catholic Church
for the atrocities she committed? But like Agca, there are no fruits of