— Perceptual disturbances
— loss of half of the visual field, Loss of peripheral vision, diplopia.
Cognitive Deficits (Short- and long-term memory loss, Decreased attention span,
Impaired ability to concentrate
Emotional Deficits (Depression, Withdrawal, Fear, hostility, and anger, Feelings of
Cognitive Deficits: (Short- and long-term memory loss, Decreased attention span,
Impaired ability to concentrate, Poor abstract reasoning, Altered judgment)
Emotional Deficits: (Loss of self-control, Emotional lability, Decreased tolerance to
stressful situations, Depression, Withdrawal, Fear, hostility, and anger, Feelings of
- Hemiplegia
- Hemiparesis
- Dysarthria (Difficulty in forming words)
- Aphasia: expressive aphasia, receptive aphasia
- Hemianopsia: blindness of half of the field of vision in one or both eyes
- Apraxia: inability to perform previously learned purposeful motor acts on a voluntary
Comparison of Left and Right Hemispheric Strokes
Left Hemispheric Stroke Right Hemispheric Stroke
Paralysis or weakness on right side of body Paralysis or weakness on left side of body
Right visual field deficit Left visual field deficit
Aphasia (expressive, receptive, or global) Spatial-perceptual deficits
Increased distractibility
Altered intellectual ability Impulsive behavior and poor judgment
Slow, cautious behavior Lack of awareness of deficits