Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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104 • HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures

  • Stimulates neuron growth^2

  • Repairs and prevents stress-induced damage to the hippocampus
    (the part of your brain responsible for learning and memory), and
    actually reverses cognitive impairment^3

  • Modulates more than thirty necessary cell signals by acting on
    signaling receptors and enzyme systems

  • May keep Multiple Sclerosis from progressing^4

  • Helps treat and prevent Parkinson’s disease5,6
    Add Longvida’s superior absorption to curcumin’s extensive brain sup-
    port, and conditions like Alzheimer’s disease may no longer mean loved ones
    forever lost.

Conquering an insidious enemy—inflammation

Inflammation. It’s one nasty culprit involved in cognitive decline. And it’s
one of the most important issues to address over the long term.

You see, inflammation is the smoldering log that keeps the damaging
oxidative stress burning, setting the stage for plaques to take hold. And since
plaques also contribute to inflammation, the cycle keeps going.

That makes inflammation a primary target when it comes to fighting all
forms of cognitive decline, including Alzheimer’s disease.

HSI members know that curcumin has a stunning reputation as an
anti-inflammatory agent. It fights even chronic inflammation by heading
straight to its source, inflammatory enzymes like COX-2 and Interleukin 1.
But in this formula, called DejaVida™, Longvida doesn’t have to work alone.

Though it doesn’t get nearly as much attention, there is a silent hero
backing up curcumin on the inflammation front. It’s a proteolytic enzyme
called serrapeptase, and this formula contains a specially potent form called
Peptizyme® SP. We’ll talk about what makes it special in just a moment, but
for now let’s focus on its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

In head to head competition, serrapeptase proved a stronger anti-inflamma-
tory power than other proteolytic enzymes. And it significantly outperformed
placebo in a double-blind trial, reducing inflammation by 50% in post-operative
patients while the people in the placebo group saw no improvement at all.^7

Serrapeptase gets rid of plaques

that cause Alzheimer’s disease

Step one in clearing excess brain plaques is to break up the clumps, and
we’ve got Longvida for that. But the DejaVida formula keeps going. By

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