Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1
HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 129


One miracle molecule can stop

heart attack, stroke...even pull you

back from the brink of death


r. Scott Chirault’s grandmother was literally at death’s door.
At 99 years and 11 months old, she became feverish and unrespon-
sive, and was brought to the emergency room. With a declining heart rate,
barely registering blood pressure (70/30), and a case of pneumonia, all hope
was lost.
Mawmaw, as she was called, did not want IV medications to keep her
alive. But just a few days earlier, Dr. Chirault had received a sample of a
unique new supplement, and he believed it could help turn things around.
He placed a dissolving tablet in her mouth, then went out to the nurses’
station. Just 40 minutes later, the nurse came to get him—Mawmaw’s blood
pressure was increasing, along with her heart rate.
A few hours later, Mawmaw woke up...sat up...talked to her grandson.
And since they didn’t know how long this would last, he called the family in
to see her. They came, and she got to see and talk with everyone she loved.
After a couple of weeks, she asked to stop taking the supplement. And just
five days later, she slipped into a coma, and then she died.
And while this supplement did not save her life—it couldn’t cure the
pneumonia—it gave her two more weeks to spend with her family, and a
chance to say goodbye to everyone she loved.
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