Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

(nextflipdebug2) #1
HSI’s 13 Most Surprising Cures • 133

with NEO40 lozenges, she’s been able to help many customers reduce their
dependency on blood pressure medication.

In fact, she advises anyone taking blood pressure medication who starts
using the lozenges to monitor their blood pressure regularly and to work close-
ly with their doctors. Chances are, the doses will need to be lowered to make
sure pressure doesn’t drop down too far.

She does advise us of one pretty common side effect, though. Increasing
your NO with NEO40 Daily will probably increase your sex drive, too.

NO side effect: a much better sex life

You’ve heard of Viagra, no doubt. Well it works by increasing circulation
to the increasing NO, albeit in an unnatural way.

When you take NEO40 Daily, you increase NO, and improve circulation
everywhere. That’s right, when you let a lozenge dissolve in your mouth, it
will kick off a chain reaction down below. And even if it’s been a while since
you’ve been able to achieve an erection on your own, those days will be over.

But NO isn’t just for the men, ladies. It also plays an important part in
female sexual desire and performance. So if you haven’t been interested lately,
NO can help turn that around.

Because satisfying sex really comes down to blood flow, and you’ll get
plenty of that from increased NO, thanks to the carefully selected formula that
makes up NEO40 Daily.

Hawthorn and beet root boost NO and total heart health

The formula starts with a proprietary herbal blend which includes haw-
thorn and beetroot, both of which increase NO activity. When Dr. Bryan and
his team were testing all those herbs and foods, these two scored the highest
when it came to nitrate content (which your body uses to generate NO). But
that’s not where these two stop helping your heart.

Hawthorn does so much for your cardiovascular system, it’s no surprise
they included it in the NEO40 formula. And unlike many traditional reme-
dies, this one has tons of science to back it up. In fact, this herb:

  • cuts down on angina attacks^3

  • treats atherosclerosis by shrinking plaque and lowering cholesterol^4

  • improves circulation to the heart by dilating coronary blood vessels^5

  • lowers blood pressure^6

  • prevents heart attack^7

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