Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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54 • Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine

But where the mainstream has failed, natural medicine once again saves
the day. Because Resprin may not only help you breathe now, it may even slow
down the progression of your condition.

Resprin slowed down her emphysema and

“kept her doing real darn good”

Margaret Blendon hates going to the doctor, so much so that she avoided
going for quite a while despite breathing problems that were getting worse.
But when it finally got bad enough, she did go, and was barely able to walk
into the office because it was so hard to breathe.

Though at first the doctor said it was nothing, eventually she took a
breathing test, and was officially diagnosed with emphysema. And, of course,
was given prescriptions for inhalers.

She never felt like those COPD inhalers helped her feel better, though
they did help her breathe. But when the side effects came, they did more than
steal Margaret’s voice: After just two months on one inhaler, her cataracts
became suddenly much worse. And after a disheartening visit to the eye doc-
tor, she decided to stop using it.

But there was still the issue of breathing—and that couldn’t go untreated.
As luck would have it, Margaret read about Resprin in her HSI Members Alert.
With a solid trust in HSI, she tried the formula, and it worked.

Within one month, not only was she breathing better, she was feeling bet-
ter. Now she can walk without losing her breath (though sometimes it’s still a
little hard to talk when she’s walked a while).

What’s more, Margaret believes that Resprin has slowed down the pro-
gression of her emphysema. She still takes 2 capsules a day, and “they keep
me doing real darn good.”

Ancient Chinese medicine works

where modern pharmaceuticals fail

Dina Mucci and Margaret Blendon are just two of the thousands of people
whose breathing has improved with Resprin—and it’s no surprise. This formula-
tion is based on thousands of years of practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine
(TCM), where the focus lies in strengthening whole body systems to reduce symp-
toms. That’s a stark contrast to the pharmaceutical response of hitting symptoms
with the biggest chemical hammer they can create, never mind the side effects.

In the TCM system, COPD isn’t just a lung issue—though that’s the prima-
ry focus of treatment. Rather, it encompasses other body systems, including the

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