The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
280 Notes to Pages 28-38

  1. Majjhima Nikaya i. 140.
    33· e.g. Sarp.yutta Nikaya iv. 380-4.
    34· Sumarigala-Vilasini 59-67 gives an elaborate traditional explana-
    tion of tathiigata, see Bhikkhu Bodhi (trans.), The Discourse on the

All-Embracing Net of Views: The Brahmajiila Sutta and its Com-

mentaries (Kandy, 1978), 331-4.

  1. Cf. David L. Snellgrove, Indo-Tibetan Buddhism (London, 1987),
    5-II, 29-38.

  2. Ariguttara Nikaya ii. 37-9.
    37· Cf. J. W. de Jong, 'The Study of Buddhism: Problems and Per-
    spectives', in Buddhist Studies by J. W. de long, edited by G. Schopen
    (Berkeley, 1979), 15-26.

  3. Digha Nikaya iii. 84.
    39· Sarp.yutta Nikaya iii. 120.

  4. Digha Nikaya iii. 142-62; see also U. McNab et al. (trans.), The
    Suttanta on the Marks (Greenstreete, Wales, 1996).

  5. See Visuddhimagga viii. 23; Frank Reynolds, 'The Several Bodies
    of the Buddha: Reflections on a Neglected Aspect of Theravada

Tradition', History of Religions, r6 (1977), 374-89; Paul Harrison,

'Is the Dharma-kiiya the Real "Phantom Body" of the Buddha?',

Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 15

(1992), 44-94·

  1. Majjhima Nikaya iii. 8.

Chapter 2. The Word of the Buddha

r. Digha Nikaya ii. rr9-2o; Majjhima Nikaya i. 492-3.

  1. e;g. Visuddhimagga xiv. I4; Abhidharmakosa vi. s; Rupert Gethin,
    The Buddhist Path to Awakening (Leiden, 1992), 222-3.

3· Cf. Tilmann Vetter, The Ideas and Meditative Practices of Early

Buddhism (Leiden, 1988), 10.
4· William Graham, Beyond the Written Word (Cambridge, 1987), 67-
77· On the development of writing in India see Richard Salomon,
'On the Origin of the Early Indian Scripts: A Review Article',

Journal of the American Oriental Society, IIS (1995), 271-9.

5· Walpola Rahula, History of Buddhism in Ceylon (Colombo, 1956),


6. Verse attributed to Nan-chiian P'u-yiian (748-834); see Heinrich

Dumoulin, A History of Zen Buddhism (London, 1963), 67.

  1. John Ross Carter, Dhamma: Western Academic and Sinhalese Bud-
    dhist Interpretations (Tokyo, 1978), 131-5.

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