The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

Notes to Pages I7-26 279

r6. For extracts from the Mahiivastu and Buddhacarita see Edward
Conze, Buddhist Scriptures (Harmondsworth, 1959), 19-66; for the

Nidiinakathii see Jayawickrama; The Story of Gotama Buddha.

17. e.g. Paul Bigandet, The Life or Legend of Gaudama the Buddha

of the Burmese (London, I9II), a translation of an early modern

Burmese text; Thich Nhat Hanh, Old Paths, White Clouds (London,
1992), a modern telling of the story drawing on a variety of anci-
ent sources. See Frank Reynolds, 'The Many Lives of Buddha', in
Donald Capps and Frank Reynolds (eds.), The Biographical Pro-
cess (The Hague, 1976), 37-61 for further examples.

r8. For Tibetan tradition, see Eugene Obermiller (trans.), History of

Buddhism (Chos-/:lbyung by Bu-ston) (Heidelberg, 1931-2), ii.
7-72; for the Theravada, see 298.

19. Adapted from Hultzshch's translation; see Thomas, Life of the

Buddha, r8.

20. Bellanwila Wimalaratana, Concept of Great Man (mahiipurisa) in

Buddhist Literature and Iconography (Singapore, n.d.).

  1. Aiiguttara Nikaya i. 145-6.

  2. Majjhima Nikaya i. So, 245; cf. Lalitavistara ii. 387 (Lefmann ed.
    (Halle, 1902-8), 254).

23. Jataka i. 71 (Jayawickrama, The Story of Gotama Buddha, 94).

  1. Cf. Majjhima Nikaya i. 21-3 and Digha Nikaya ii. 30-35, Majjhima
    Nikaya i. 167, Sarp.yutta Nikaya ii. 104-6; see Etienne Lamotte,
    'Conditioned Co-production and Supreme Enlightenment', in

Somaratna Balasooriya et al. (eds.), Buddhist Studies in Honour of

Walpola Rahula (London, 1980), rr8-32.

  1. Lalitavistara ii. 490-97 (Lefmann ed. 325-31 ). This incident
    (Sarp.yutta Nikaya i. 124, Suttanipata v. 835) is placed in a different

context in Pali sources, see Na!)amoli, Life of the Buddha, 60-4.

  1. Majjhima Nikaya i. 167.

  2. For example, the Tevijja Sutta explains the way to companionship.
    with Brahma as meditation on loving kindness, sympathetic joy,
    compassion, and equanimity (Digha Nikaya i. 235-53). See also
    Atthasalini 129.

  3. Piili Chanting with Translations (Bangkok, 1974); cf. Majjhima
    Nikaya i. r68.

  4. 3 does this for the first twenty years of
    the Buddha's teaching career.

30. Translation adapted from Rhys Davids, Dialogues of the Buddha,

ii. 107 (Digha Nikaya ii. roo).

  1. Digha Nikaya ii. 144.

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