The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Select Bibliography
Swearer, Donald K., 'The Way of Meditation', in DonaldS. Lopez (ed.),
Buddhism in Practice (Princeton, 1995), 207-15.

Vetter, Tilmann, The Ideas and Meditative Practices of Early Buddhism

(Leiden, 1988).

Chapter 8: The Abhidharma
Cousins, L. S., 'The PaHhiina and the Development of the Theravadin

Abhidhamma', Journal of the Pali Text Society, (1981), 22-46.

--'Person and Self', in Buddhism into the Year 2000: International

Conference Proceedings (Bangkok and Los Angeles, 1994), 15-32.
Cox, Collett, Disputed Dharmas: Early Buddhist Theories on Existence:

An Annotated Translation of the Section on Factors Dissociated from

Thought from Sanghabhadra's Nyiiyiinusiira (Tokyo, 1995).
Frauwallner, Erich, Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins

of Buddhist Philosophical Systems (Albany, NY, 1995).

Gethin, Rupert, 'Bhavanga and Rebirth according to the Abhidhamma',
The Buddhist Forum, 3 (1994), 11-35.
Gorkom, Nina van, Abhidhamma in Daily Life (London, 1990).

Govinda, Lama Anagarika, The Psychological Attitude of Early Bud-

dhist Philosophy and its Systematic Representation according to
Abhidhamma Tradition (London, 1969).
Guenther, Herbert V., Philosophy and Psychology in the Abhidharma
(Berkeley, 1976).

J aini, Padmanabh S., 'The Sautrantika Theory of Bfja', Bulletin of the

School of Oriental Studies, 22 (1959), 237-49.

--'The Development of the Theory of the Viprayukta-Salflskiiras',

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 22 (1959), 531-47.

--'The Vaibhii1.>ika Theory of Words and Meanings', Bulletin of the

School of Oriental and African Studies, 22 (1959), 95-107.

--'Prajnii and dr$ti in the Vaibha1.>ika Abhidharma', in Lewis Lan-
caster (ed.), Prajniipiiramitii and Related Systems: Studies in Honor

of Edward Conze (Berkeley, 1977), 403-15.

Jayasuriya, W. F., The Psychology and Philosophy of Buddhism: An
Introduction to the Abhidhamma (Kuala Lumpur, 1976).

Karunadasa, Y., The Buddhist Analysis of Matter (Colombo, i:967).

Nyanaponika Thera, Abhidhamma Studies: Researches in Buddhist
Psychology (Kandy, 1976).
Nyanatiloka Mahathera, Guide through the Abhidhamma Pitaka (Kandy,
Potter, Karl H. (ed.), Abhidharma Buddhism to I 5o A.D. (Delhi, 1996).

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