The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1
Index 331

samatha/samatha, see meditation
sambhoga-kaya 232-3
Saf!ldhinirmocana Siltra 226, 244
saf!!g!ti (Buddhist 'councils') 40, 42,
saf!ljFza!saFzFza I36
Sarpmatiyas see Vatsiputriyas
Satpsiira 27, 64, II I, II2-I3, IIS, I25,
I 26, 229, 232, 239; see also rebirth
Saf!!Skara/Saf!!khara I36, ISO
Satpyutta Nikaya 43, 242
Safici I3I
Sangha 34,37,45,49,SO,SI,8S-III
passim, 238, 250, 254, 256; acts of
86; division of 49-52, s6, 89, 253;
expulsion from so, 53-4, 89; as
'field of merif 102-3; and society
91-4; and state 100-1; in the West
275; see also monks
Saftghabhadra 206
Sangharakshita 275
San-lun-tsung 260
Sanskrit xvii, I, rr; translation of
Buddhist scriptures into 4i-2, 43,
' 45
Santaraksita 266
Sariputra./Sariputta 25, 141, 203, 204
Sarijmtrabhidharma-sastra 206
Sarvastivada 48, 49, 52-6 passim, 86,
223, 262; Abhidharma 204-5, 210,
220-1, 242; cosmology rrs, I23;
view of awakening 197; view of 77
sastras ss, 57, 226, 258
satan 23
Satya-siddhi-sastra 206
Sautrantikas 48, 56, 78, 204, 206,
22I-2, 223
Schopen, G. 95-6, 105
Schopenhauer, A. 274
seeds (b!ja), Sautrantika theory of
Seleucus Nicator 273
self (atman!atta) 133-62 passim; in
brahmanical tradition I33; and
greed I46-8; Pudgalavada view
of 223; in Sanskrit I6o; and
tathagatagarbha 252; in y ogacara
246; see also no self

sex 50, I7I, I84; abstaining from 87,
88, 89, rro; and the Vajrayana 269
Shan-tao 264
Shen-hui 26I-2
Shen-hsiu 26I
Shingon see Chen Yen·
Shinran 264
ShintO 2, 128-9
Siddhartha/Siddhattha I4, 19, 24
siddhas I86, 268
Sikkim 274
slla/slla 32, 36, 83-4, 102, ro8, I2I,
169-74, 230; see also precepts
Sineru, Mt. rr8
skandha, see aggregates
skill in means 228, 230, 264
snake, simile of 191-2
Soka, Gakkai 266, 275
soul 66, 68; see also self
South-East Asia I, 33, 40, 49, s8, 86,
88, 101, 106, 107, IIS, 224, 234,
254, 276; Buddhism in 256-7
Spiro, M. IIO-II.
Sravaka/savaka 32, 228, 229, 230,
243; see also arhat
Sri Lanka I, 5, I4, 33, 38, 40, 42, 49,
53,SS,S8,86, IOI, 105, Io6, I07,
IIS, I28, 224, 274, 276; Buddhism
in 9I,96-7,98-9,253-6
Srlmala-devl-sif!!hanada Siltra 226
Srong-bsan-sgam-po 266
Stcherbatsky, T. 244, 274
sthaviras/theras SI-2, 54, 55
stream-attainer (srotapanna/
sotiipanna) 92, 102, 194, 195, I98,
230; lesser 190
stupa 7,27,97, IIo, I31,225,276
Subhiikarasimha 260
SuddhodanaiSuddhodana 20
suffering, see duf:zkha
Sujata 22
Sukhavati-vyilha Siltra 226, 263-4
Sukhotai 256
Sumatra I
Sumedha (Bodhisattva) I8,.226
Sunyavada 57; see also Madhyamaka
Silraf!!gama-samadhi Sutra 226
sutra/sutta I7, 40, 42-8, 55, 57, 207,
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