The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

Index 333

Vaislikha!Vesakha I9, 22
Vaisa!IIV esali 5 I, 53
Vajrabodhi 260
Vajracchedikii Sutra 234
Vajrasekhara Sutra 26I
Vajraylina 2, 255, 268; see also
Tantric Buddhism
Vakkali 30
van;a/va!J!Ja, four 12-13
Vasubandhu 44, 55, 57, II4, I25, I65,
I82, ISS, I94, I95, I96,zo6,244,
245,248,258;on 'dependent
arising' I49-50
Vasumitra 220
Viitsiputriyas 52, 54, 223
vedanii 136, I50,213-15
Vedas 12, 45-6
vegetarianism I72-3
Vessantara Jiitaka I09
Vetter, T. zoo
vibhajyaviida!vibhajjaviida 53
vibh~ii 54
Vietnam I, 58
views (dr~tilditthi) 68, 7I, 235, 236;
annihilationist and eternalist
78, I45, I55,238-40,272-3;in
~adhyamaka 238,240-I,243-4;
and nirvlil).a 78; purification of
I89, I96; right I66; of the self
148-9; twenty views of
individuality 148
Vijaya Blihu I 254
Vijfilinaviida 57; see also
consciousness, Y ogliclira
vijiiapti-miitra 58, 207, 226, 244, 247,
248-9; see also consciousness,
Vijiiapti-miitratii-siddhi see Ch 'eng-
wei-shih lun
vikalpa 235
ViY(lsatikii 244, 248
Vimuttimagga 177, 254

Vipaya 17, 40, 45, 48-56 passim,
four underlying concerns of 91-4;
Vinaya School (Lii-tsung) 260
Vinaya Pi~aka 45, 49
vipassanii-dhura 38, 104-5
vipasyaniilvipassanii, see meditation
Viriipa 27I
visuddhis, seven ISS-94
Visuddhimagga 55, I23, 149, I65,
West, Buddhism in the 39, 273-6
Western Buddhist Order 275
wheel of becoming I 59
wholesome (kuSala/kusala) qualities
84, roi, II9; three roots of (non-
attachment, friendliness, and
wisdom) 75, So, 108, 2I3, 25I
Wijayaratna, ~-95-6
wisdom 32, 83, 84, I2I, 230, 269;
three kinds of 36; see also
wholesome qualities, Perfection of
Wittgenstein, L. 244
world-systems (expansion and
contraction of) 123-5
worship 104; see also pujii
writing (in India) 37
yak~as 127, I30, I3I, I68
y asodhara 20
Yeats, W. B. 274
yoga I74
Yogliclira 3,57,78, r82,20I,244-50;
and Abhidharma 207, 210; in
China 259, 26o; in Tibet 268, 272
yon mchod 10I
zazen 262
Zen 38, 125, I65, zot, 252, 260, 262,
263, 275; see also Ch'an
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