Figure 5-12. Plot combining line/point subplot with bar subplot
Other Plot Styles
When it comes to two-dimensional plotting, line and point plots are probably the most
important ones in finance; this is because many data sets embody time series data, which
generally is visualized by such plots. Chapter 6 addresses financial times series data in
detail. However, for the moment we want to stick with the two-dimensional data set and
illustrate some alternative, and for financial applications useful, visualization approaches.
The first is the scatter plot, where the values of one data set serve as the x values for the
other data set. Figure 5-13 shows such a plot. Such a plot type is used, for example, when
you want to plot the returns of one financial time series against those of another one. For
this example we will use a new two-dimensional data set with some more data:
In [ 16 ]: y = np.random.standard_normal(( 1000 , 2 ))
In [ 17 ]: plt.figure(figsize=( 7 , 5 ))
plt.plot(y[:, 0 ], y[:, 1 ], ‘ro’)
plt.title(‘Scatter Plot’)
Figure 5-13. Scatter plot via plot function