Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Basic Data Structures

As a general rule, data structures are objects that contain a possibly large number of other

objects. Among those that Python provides as built-in structures are:


A collection of arbitrary objects; only a few methods available


A collection of arbitrary objects; many methods available


A key-value store object


An unordered collection object for other unique objects


A tuple is an advanced data structure, yet it’s still quite simple and limited in its

applications. It is defined by providing objects in parentheses:

In  [ 37 ]: t   =   ( 1 ,   2.5,    ‘data’)
Out[37]: tuple

You can even drop the parentheses and provide multiple objects separated by commas:

In  [ 38 ]: t   =    1 ,    2.5,    ‘data’
Out[38]: tuple

Like almost all data structures in Python the tuple has a built-in index, with the help of

which you can retrieve single or multiple elements of the tuple. It is important to

remember that Python uses zero-based numbering, such that the third element of a tuple

is at index position 2:

In  [ 39 ]: t[ 2 ]
Out[39]: ‘data’
In [ 40 ]: type(t[ 2 ])
Out[40]: str


In contrast to some other programming languages like Matlab, Python uses zero-based numbering schemes. For

example, the first element of a tuple object has index value 0.

There are only two special methods that this object type provides: count and index. The

first counts the number of occurrences of a certain object and the second gives the index

value of the first appearance of it:

In  [ 41 ]: t.count(‘data’)
Out[41]: 1
In [ 42 ]: t.index( 1 )
Out[42]: 0

tuple objects are not very flexible since, once defined, they cannot be changed easily.


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