Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
append (x) Appends x to object



Number of occurrences of object x

del l[i:j:k]


Deletes elements with index values i to j – 1



Appends all elements of s to object


(x[, i[, j]])

First index of x between elements i and j – 1


(i, x)++

Inserts x at/before index i



Removes element with index i



Removes element with index i and return it



Reverses all items in place


([cmp[, key[, reverse]]])

Sorts all items in place

Excursion: Control Structures

Although a topic in itself, control structures like for loops are maybe best introduced in

Python based on list objects. This is due to the fact that looping in general takes place

over list objects, which is quite different to what is often the standard in other languages.

Take the following example. The for loop loops over the elements of the list object l

with index values 2 to 4 and prints the square of the respective elements. Note the

importance of the indentation (whitespace) in the second line:

In  [ 52 ]: for element in l[ 2 : 5 ]:
print element ** 2
Out[52]: 6.25

This provides a really high degree of flexibility in comparison to the typical counter-based

looping. Counter-based looping is also an option with Python, but is accomplished based

on the (standard) list object range:

In  [ 53 ]: r   =   range( 0 ,   8 ,     1 )        #   start,  end,    step    width
Out[53]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
In [ 54 ]: type(r)
Out[54]: list

For comparison, the same loop is implemented using range as follows:

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