islam, politics and change
300 islam, politics and change Esposito, John. 1982.Women in Muslim Family Law. New York: Syracuse University Press. Evans, C. 2 ...
bibliography 301 Hadi, Amirul. 2004.Islam and State in Sumatra: A Study of Seventeenth-Century Aceh. Leiden, etc.: Brill. 2010. ...
302 islam, politics and change Mass: Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School and Harvard University Press. ‘Alterna ...
bibliography 303 ‘Which Indonesian Women Marry Youngest, and Why?’,Journal of Southeast Asian Studies32 (1): 67–78. and End ...
304 islam, politics and change Hak-hak Konstitusional Perempuan di 16 Kabupaten/Kota pada 7 Provinsi. Jakarta: Komnas Perempuan. ...
bibliography 305 Majelis Ulama Propinsi Daerah Istimewa Aceh. 1979.Kumpulan fatwa-fatwa Majelis Ulama Propinsi Daerah Istimewa A ...
306 islam, politics and change Mulkhan, Abdul Munir. 2006. ‘Sendang Ayu: Pergulatan Muhammadiyah di Kaki Bukit Barisan’,Suara Mu ...
bibliography 307 Permata, Ahmad-Norma. 2008.Islamist Party and Democratic Participation: Prosperous Justice Party in Indonesia ...
308 islam, politics and change Rohmah, Fisqiyyatur. 2008.Politik Peka Perempuan: Kajian Terhadap Peraturan Daerah No. 5 Tahun 20 ...
bibliography 309 Scott, James S. 1985.Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance. New Haven: Yale University Pre ...
310 islam, politics and change Swaan, A. de. 1973.Coalition Theories and Cabinet Formations: a Study of Formal Theories of Coali ...
bibliography 311 Weitzer, Ronald. 2009. ‘Legalizing Prostitution: Morality Politics in Western Australia’, The British Journal o ...
Glossary Abangan Syncretistic or nominal (Javanese) Muslims. Adat(-istiadat) Local traditions/customs/customary law. Ahlu-sunnah ...
314 islam, politics and change Bupati Government official heading a kabupaten. Dakwah Muslim missionary activity/religious propa ...
glossary 315 hmi Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam. Islamic Student Associ- ation. Close to Muhammadiah. hmi-mpo Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam ...
316 islam, politics and change ji See: Jemaah Islamiyah Jihad fi sabilillah Struggle along the path of God, often interpreted as ...
glossary 317 All-Indonesian Preparatory Committee for the Imple- mentation of Islamic Law. ksd Kelompok Studi Darussalam. Daruss ...
318 islam, politics and change mui See: Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Mukenah Garment, usually white, worn by women when per- forming ...
glossary 319 hammadiyah branch at the sub-district (kecamatan) level. pd See: Partai Demokrat. pdi Partai Demokrasi Indonesia. I ...
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