Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

(^366) Medical-Surgical Nursing Demystified

Cortisol Test

This test measures the level of the hormone cortisol in the blood. It is performed to
diagnose Addison’s disease, nephritic syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, acute illness,
trauma, septic shock, starvation, chronic renal failure, and pregnancy. Explain to
the patient that this is a non-fasting blood test.

Fine Needle Biopsy/Aspiration

A small needle is passed through the skin into the area to be biopsied, retrieving a
small amount of fluid or tissue to be analyzed. Depending on the organ or tissue
to be studied, the procedure may be done in an outpatient or inpatient setting. The
test is done to look for the presence of abnormal cells.

Before the test—An informed consent is necessary, as local anesthesia will be

After the test—A dressing will be applied to the site. Monitor the site for inflam-
mation, drainage, bleeding, increased pain, fever, or any increase in swelling. An
OTC analgesic or Rx from the practitioner may be necessary.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone

(FSH) Test

This test measures the level of FSH in the blood. It is done to aid in the diagnosis
of hypogonadism, precocious puberty, menstrual disorders, and the inability to
conceive. Explain to the patient that this is a non-fasting blood test.

Glucose Tolerance Test

A 75–100 gram carbohydrate drink is to be swallowed by the fasting patient.
Blood work and urine specimens are obtained at 30 minutes, and then hourly for
3–4 hours. The test is done to evaluate those with elevated blood sugars, those
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