Medical-surgical Nursing Demystified

(Sean Pound) #1

CHAPTER 14 Women’s Health^531

Before the test—Explain to patient that she must avoid using lotions, powders and
deodorants the day of the tests.

Papanicolaou (Pap) Smear

This test is a screening test for cervical cancer. During the test the doctor takes a
sample of cells from the cervix and sends the sample to a laboratory which then
checks the sample for changes in the cervical cells.

Rhesus (Rh) Factor

This is a serum test used to check for the presence of a protein, Rh D antigen, on
the surface of the red blood cells. It is used to assess for blood compatibility
between mother and fetus. This is a nonfasting test.

Semen Analysis

This test evaluates the male aspect of a couple’s inability to conceive. The patient
must abstain from sex for 2 days and then collect a specimen, which is then micro-
scopically evaluated for volume, sperm motility and count. The specimen must be
delivered to the lab within one hour of collection.


  1. Which of the following is a definitive sign of pregnancy?
    (a) Amenorrhea.
    (b) Positive hCG.
    (c) Morning sickness.
    (d) Fetal heart sounds.

  2. The third stage of labor is when:
    (a) contractions reach their peak.
    (b) the head is visible.
    (c) the water breaks.
    (d) the placenta is delivered.

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