stable angina, 7
statins (HMG CoA reductase inhibitors), 153
stem cells, 176
stomach acid reflux (GERD), 301–304
stomach lining inflammation (gastritis), 306–308
stomach ulcers, 319, 324
stool testing, 204
stress ulcers, 319
stroke, 225, 249–252
subarachnoid hemorrhage, 212–213
subdural hematoma, 212–213
substance use disorders, 545–550
substantia nigra, degeneration of. SeeParkinson’s
sucking chest wounds, 118
superior vena cava, 1, 3
surfactant, alveoli, 87
surgeons, 480
surgery. Seeperioperative care
surgical assistants, 480–481
surgical classifications, 476–477
surgical scrub, 481
surgical team, 480–481
sympathectomy, 48
synchronized cardioversion, 54, 61
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
secretion (SIADH), 346–348
Syndrome X, 363–365
synovial joints, 263
systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE), 165–167
T-cells, 144–145
T3 (triiodothyronine), 333
measurement test, 368
overproduction of (hyperthroidism), 335–338
underproduction of (hypothroidism), 333–335
T4 (thyroxine), 333
measurement test, 368
overproduction of (hyperthroidism), 335–338
underproduction of (hypothroidism), 333–335
tamponade, cardiac, 21–23
TB (tuberculosis), 122–124, 128
teaching, preoperative, 479–480
temporal lobe (brain), 211
tumor in, 223
tendons, 263
tension pneumothorax, 118
testicular cancer, 390–392
thalamus, 211
third-degree burns, 401–402
third space (fluids), 420
thoracentesis, 135
thromboendarterectomy, 20
thrombolytic therapy, 13
thrombophlebitis, 51–53, 199
thrombus.See alsocoagulation
myocardial infarction (MI) from, 11
peripheral arterial disease (PAD) from, 18
pulmonary embolism from, 127
removal of (embolectomy), 20
stroke from, 225, 249–252
in vein (thrombophlebitis), 51, 199
thyroid gland, 333. See alsoendocrine system
enlargement from iodine insufficiency (simple
gout), 338–341
hormone overproduction, 335–338
hormone underproduction, 333–335
thyroid scintiscan (thyroid scan), 369
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), 334, 335, 339
measurement test, 369
thyroxine (T4), 333
measurement test, 368
overproduction of (hyperthroidism), 335–338
underproduction of (hypothroidism), 333–335
TIA (transient ischemic attack), 249
tonic and tonic clonic seizures, 253
total protein test, 327
toxicology screening, urine, 553
transcutaneous pacing, 57
transfer of patient, 480, 484
transjugular intrahepatic portal systemic shunt, 293
tricuspid insufficiency, 69–71
tricuspid valve, 1, 3
triiodothyronine (T3), 333
measurement test, 368
overproduction of (hyperthroidism), 335–338
underproduction of (hypothroidism), 333–335
trimesters, pregnancy, 519–520
trophoblastic disease, 517–519
troponin, 77
Trousseau’s sign, 338
TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), 334, 335, 339
measurement test, 369
tuberculosis (TB), 122–124, 128
tumors.See alsocancer
on adrenal medulla, 353–354
bladder, testing for (cystoscopy), 394
brain tumor, 222–224
Cushing’s syndrome, 349–351
ovarian masses, benign, 514–515