Quantitative methods in marketing 245
range from cluster analysis and conjoint
analysis to AHP and neural networks.
Mazanec, J. A. (1994) A prioriand a posteriori
segmentation: heading for unification with
neural network modelling, in Chias, J. and
Sureda, J. (eds), Marketing for the New Europe:
Dealing with Complexity, 22nd European Mar-
keting Academy Conference Proceedings, Vol.
I, Barcelona, Spain, 25–28 May, pp. 889–917.
Meidan, A. (1981) Optimising the number of
salesmen, in Baker, M. J. (ed.), New Directions
in Marketing and Research, University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow, pp. 173–197.
Moutinho, L. and Curry, B. (1994) Consumer
perceptions of ATMs: an application of neu-
ral networks, Journal of Marketing Manage-
ment, 10 (1), 191–206.
Moutinho, L., Goode, M. H. and Fiona Davies,
F. (1998) Quantitative Analysis in Marketing
Management,Wiley, Chichester. This is a very
recent text which includes chapters on statis-
tical analysis, forecasting, decision theory
and new quantitative methods, among
Sharma, S. (1996) Applied Multivariate Tech-
niques, Wiley, Chichester. Very good book on
the topic. Issues covered range from factor
analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant
analysis to logistic regression, MANOVA and
covariance structure models.
Walters, D. (1975) Applying the Monte Carlo
simulation, Retail and Distribution Manage-
ment,February, 50–54.
Zimmerman, H. J. (1991) Fuzzy Set Theory and
its Applications, 2nd edn, Kluwer Academic.
This is probably the best and most up-to-
date text on fuzzy sets theory and