E-marketing 647
Total numbers of sessionsorvisitsto a website.
(Note that ‘hits’are a spurious measure, since
when a web page is downloaded to the PC, a
number of separate data transfers or hits takes
place, usually one for each HTML and graphics
file. Marketers should measure page impressions
because they are a real measure of customer
traffic to your site and, for an advertiser, this
equates with other familiar measures such as
‘opportunities to view’.) Attraction efficiency
(Figure 25.5) indicates the proportion of your
target audience you attract to the site or its
Repeat visits– average number of visits per
individual. Total number of sessions divided by
the number of unique visitors. Update your
site more often and people come back more
often.Cookiescan help track repeat visits.
Duration– average length of time visitors spend
on your site (but remember that for some
areas of the site such as on-line sales or
customer service you may want to minimize
duration). A similar measure is number of
pages viewed per visitor.
Subscription rates– numbers of visitors
subscribing for services such as opt-in e-mail
and newsletters.
Conversion rates– the percentage of visitors
converting to subscribers (or becoming
customers). This is critical to e-marketing. Let’s
take an example. Say 2 per cent of 5000
visitors to a site in a month convert to 100
Table 25.2 A stage model for e-business development
- Web presence 2. E-commerce 3. Integrated
4. E-business
Services available Brochureware or
interaction with
product catalogues
and customer
e-commerce on buy-
side or sell-side
Buy- and sell-side
integrated with ERP
or legacy systems.
Personalization of
Full integration
between all internal
processes and
elements of the
value network
departments, e.g.
Cross-organizational Cross-organizational Across the
enterprise and
beyond (extraprise)
Transformation Technological
Technology and new
identified for
Internal business
processes and
company structure
Change to
e-business culture,
linking of business
processes with
Strategy Limited Sell-side
strategy, not well
integrated with
business strategy
strategy integrated
with business
strategy using a
value-chain approach
E-business strategy
incorporated as part
of business strategy
Source: Chaffey (2002).