prisma: prism
prismático: prismatic; prismáticos: binoculars; field glasses
prístino: pristine; first; original
privacidad: privacy
privación: deprivation; privation; want; lack; deprival; hardship; forbidding
privado: private; privy; forbidden; stunned; unconscious; favourite
privar: to deprive; to prohibit; to forbid; to impede; to stun; to render unconscious; to be in
favour; to booze; to drink
privarse: to deprive oneself; to become unconscious
privativo: exclusive; privative; peculiar; particular
privatización: privatization
privatizar: to privatize
privilegiado: privileged; outstanding; uncommon; extraordinary
privilegio: privilege; grant; exemption; franchise; patent
por: profit; benefit; advantage
proa: prow; bow; head; nose
probabilidad: probability; likelihood; chance; prospect
probable: probable; likely; provable
probado: proved; tired; tested; approved; demonstrated
probador: changing room; fitting room; trier; tester; fitter
probar: to try; to try on; to test; to prove; to taste
probarse: to try; to try on
probeta: test tube; measuring cylinder
problema: problem; trouble
problemática: problems
problemático: problematic; problematical
procacidad: impudence; brazenness; obscenity
procaz: impudent; brazen; obscene
procedencia: origin; source; propriety; accordance with the law
procedente: coming; originating; proceeding; proper; suitable; appropriate; correct
proceder: conduct; behaviour; proceeding; to proceed; to behave; to act; to come; to originate;
to be proper or suitable; to start legal proceedings
procedimiento: procedure; method; process; way
procesado: accused; processed; accused; defendant; indicted
procesador: processor
procesamiento: processing; prosecution; indictment; indicting
procesar: to prosecute; to process; to indict; to accuse
procesión: procession; parade
proceso: process; proceedings; processing; lapse of time
proclamación: proclamation; acclamation
proclamar: to proclaim; to acclaim
proclamarse: to be declared
proclive: inclined; disposed; prone
procreación: procreation; breeding
procrear: to procreate; to breed
procurador: attorney; agent; procurator; solicitor; legal administrator in court
procurar: to try; to try to; to endeavour; to see that; to get; to obtain; to manage another's
affairs; to act as an agent or attorney; to provide with
prodigalidad: generosity; prodigality; lavishness
prodigar: to lavish; to squander; to give or bestow with profusion
prodigarse: to overexpose oneself; to show oneself in public too often