English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

prohibición: prohibition; banning; forbidding; interdiction; ban
prohibido: prohibited; forbidden
prohibir: to forbid; to prohibit
prohibitivo: prohibitive; forbidding
prohijar: to adopt
prójimo: fellow being; fellow creature; fellow; neighbour
prole: offspring; progeny; issue
prolegómenos: preamble; introduction; prolegomena
proletariado: proletariat; proletariate
proletario: proletarian
proliferación: proliferation
proliferar: to proliferate
prolífico: prolific
prolijidad: long-windedness; wordiness; verbosity; prolixity; minuteness; presentation; neatness
prolijo: long-winded; wordy; verbose; neat; tidy; well-presented; neat; prolix; tedious; minute
prologar: to prologize; to write a prologue to
prólogo: prologue; preface; introduction
prolongación: extension; prolongation; lengthening
prolongado: lengthy; prolonged; prolongated; protracted; extended; long; lingering; oblong
prolongar: to prolong; to extend; to lengthen; to continue; to protract; to produce
prolongarse: to last; to go on; to extend; to continue
promedio: average; middle
promesa: promise; pious offering
prometedor: promising; promiser
prometer: to promise; to betroth; to be promising; to bid fair
prometerse: to be engaged; to become betrothed; to promise oneself
prometido: promised; engaged; fiancé; fiancée; betrothed
prominencia: rise; prominence; elevation; protuberance
prominente: prominent; projecting
promiscuidad: promiscuity
promiscuo: promiscuous; ambiguous
promoción: promotion; advertising; furtherance; advancement; year group; class
promocionar: to promote
promocionarse: to be promoted
promontorio: promontory; headland; height
promotor: promotive; promoter; instigator; furtherer; starter
promover: to promote; to cause; to further; to start; to prefer; to exalt; to raise
promulgar: to promulgate; to enact; to proclaim; to publish
pronombre: pronoun
pronominal: pronominal
pronosticar: to forecast; to predict; to foretell
pronóstico: forecast; prediction; prognosis
prontitud: promptness; promptitude; readiness; dispatch; speed; celerity
pronto: soon; early; urge; prompt; impulse; bad temper; de pronto: suddenly
prontuario: criminal record; memorandum book; handbook
pronunciación: pronunciation
pronunciado: pronounced
pronunciamiento: military uprising; pronunciamiento; item
pronunciar: to pronounce; to utter; to deliver; to make; to pass; to give; to accentuate
pronunciarse: to declare oneself; to pronounce; to rebel
propagación: spread; propagation

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