English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

quiniela: pools coupon; quinielas: pools
quinientos: five hundred
quinina: quinine
quinqué: oil lamp
quinquenal: quinquennial; five-year
quinquenio: five year period; quinquennium
quinqui: delinquent
quinta: country house; farm; call-up year; generation; fifth gear; draft; quint; quinte
quintaesencia: quintessence
quintal: quintal; forty-six kilogrammes; quintal métrico: one hundred kilogrammes
quinteto: quintet
quintillizo: quintuplet
quinto: fifth; recruit; conscript
quíntuple: quintuple
quintuplicar: to quintuple; to increase fivefold
quintuplicarse: to quintuple; to increase fivefold
quíntuplo: quintuple
quinzavo: fifteenth
quiosco: kiosk; pavilion; newspaper stand; bandstand
quiosquero: owner of a newspaper stand
quiquiriquí: cock-a-doodle-doo
quirófano: operating theater; operating room; surgery
quiromancia: chiromancy; palmistry
quiromasaje: manual massage
quirúrgico: surgical
quise, quisiera: querer
quisque: everyone
quisquilla: trifle; marine shrimp
quisquilloso: pernickety; touchy; picky; fussy; overnice; squeamish
quiste: cyst
quita: remission of debt
quitaesmalte: nail-polish remover
quitamanchas: stain remover; clothes cleaner; spot remover
quitanieves: snowplough; snowplow
quitar: to remove; to take off; to take out; to rub off; to pick off; to eliminate; to deduct; to
subtract; to relieve; to quench; to take; to steal; to rob of; to switch off; to clear; to hinder; to
prevent; to forbid; to intercept; to abolish; to repeal
quitarse: to get out of the way; to take off; to come out
quitasol: sunshade; parasol
quite: parry; dodge; attracting the bull from a man in danger
quiteño: inhabitant of Quito
quitina: chitin
Quito: Quito
quizá, quizás: maybe; mayhap; perhaps
quórum: quorum

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