English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1


rabadilla: base of the spine; rump
rábano: radish; me importa un rábano: I don't care a damn; y un rábano: no way!
rabí: rabbi; rabbin
rabia: rage; fury; dislike; rabies; hydrophobia
rabiar: to writhe in pain; to be furious; to long; to be dying to do something; to have rabies
rabieta: tantrum; fit of temper
rabillo: corner; stalk; stem; peduncle; little tail
rabino: rabbi; rabbin
rabioso: furious; terrible; rabid; furious; violent; enraged; raging; loud; gaudy
rabo: tail; stem; stalk; corner; con el rabo entre las piernas: humiliated
rabona: hacer rabona: to play truant; to play hooky
racanear: to be mean or stingy; to loaf around; to laze about
rácano: mean; stingy; miser; skinflint; idle; lazy; layabout; loafer
RACE: Real Automóvil Club de España: Spanish automobile association
racha: gust; spell; run; streak; string; patch
racheado: gusty
racial: racial; race
racimo: bunch; cluster; raceme
raciocinio: power of reason; ratiocination; reasoning
ración: portion; ration; helping; share; allowance for food; large portion of a dish served as a
racional: rational; reasonable; rational being
racionalidad: rationality; reasonableness
racionalismo: rationalism
racionalista: rationalist; rationalistic
racionalización: rationalization
racionalizar: to rationalize; to streamline
racionamiento: rationing
racionar: to ration; to ration out
racismo: racism
racista: racist
rada: cove; sheltered anchorage; bay; roads; roadstead
radar: radar
radiación: radiation; broadcasting
radiactividad: radioactivity
radiactivo: radioactive
radiado: radial; irradiated; radiated; broadcast; radiate
radiador: radiator
radial: radial
radián: radian
radiante: radiant; beaming
radiar: to radiate; to irradiate; to radio; to broadcast; to beam; to shine
radical: radical; complete; root
radicalismo: radicalism
radicalizar: to make more radical
radicalizarse: to become more radical; to worsen
radicar: to lie; to be situated in; to take root
radicarse: to settle; to establish oneself
radio: radius; scope; spoke; radium; radio; broadcasting; wireless set

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