recobrar: to get back; to recover; to regain; to retrieve; to make up for
recobrarse: to recover
recocer: to overcook
recochinearse: to make fun
recodo: bend; twist; turn
recogedor: dustpan; gatherer; shelterer
recogepelotas: ball boy
recoger: to pick up; to collect; to gather; to clear; to tidy; to fetch; to harvest; to take in; to
receive; to give shelter to; to intern; to retake; to take back; to take away; to put away
recogerse: to retire; to put up; to tie back; to go to bed; to compose oneself
recogida: harvest; collection; withdrawal from circulation
recogido: tied back; cosy; cozy; quiet; recluse; short-trunked; inmate
recogimiento: abstraction of worldly thoughts; recollection
recolección: harvest; harvesting; collection; summary; gathering; spiritual meditation
recolectar: to harvest; to pick; to collect; to gather
recomendable: recommendable; commendable
recomendación: recommendation; contact
recomendado: recommended; registered
recomendar: to recommend; to advise
recomenzar: to start again
recomiendo: recomendar
recompensa: reward; recompense; compensation
recompensar: to reward; to compensate; to recompense
recomponer: to recompose; to compose again; to mend; to repair; to fix
recompuesto: repaired; fixed; recomponer
reconcentrado: strong
reconcentrar: to make more concentrated; to concentrate; to keep secret and intense
reconciliable: reconcilable
reconciliación: reconciliation
reconciliar: to reconcile
reconciliarse: to become reconciled
reconcomerse: to be eaten up; to be consumed
recóndito: hidden; recondite; out of way
reconfortante: comforting
reconfortar: to comfort; to cheer up
reconocer: to recognize; to examine; to inspect; to reconnoitre; to reconnoiter; to admit
reconocerse: to admit to being; to avow or own oneself
reconocido: recognized; acknowledged; grateful; recognizant
reconocimiento: acknowledgment; admission; recognition; medical examination; inspection;
scouting; survey; reconnaissance; gratitude
reconquista: recapture; reconquest
reconquistar: to reconquer; to recapture; to win back
reconsiderar: to reconsider
reconstituir: to reconstitute; to restore
reconstituyente: tonic; reconstituent
reconstrucción: reconstruction; rebuilding
reconstruir: to reconstruct; to rebuild
recontar: to recount; to tell; to narrate; to relate
reconvenir: to reprimand; to reproach; to reprehend; to make a reconvention against
reconversión: reorganization; restructuring
reconvertir: to reorganize; to restructure