resfriarse: to catch a cold; to cool
resfrío: cold
resguardar: to shelter; to protect; to preserve; to give shelter
resguardarse: to take shelter; to protect oneself
resguardo: shelter; protection; preservation; guard; security; voucher; ticket; receipt; stub; sea
residencia: residence; stay; house; dwelling home; boarding house
residencial: residential; residentiary
residente: resident; residing; minister resident
residir: to live; to reside; to lie
residual: residual
residuo: residue; remnant; remainder; rest; residuum; difference
resignación: resignation; handing over
resignar: to resign; to hand over
resignarse: to resign oneself; to be resigned
resina: resin; rosin
resinoso: resinous
resistencia: resistance; endurance; strength; reluctance; resistor; element
resistente: strong; firm; resistant; tough; robust; hardy
resistir: to resist; to withstand; to bear; to endure; to stand; to take; to bear; to hold out; to hold
resistirse: to refuse; to struggle; to make resistance
resma: ream
resol: sun's glare
resollar: to pant; to gasp; to breathe noisily
resolución: solution; resolution; decision; nullification; decree; resolve; resoluteness
resolutivo: resolutive; analytical
resoluto: resolute; determined; brief; compendious
resolver: to solve; to resolve; to decide; to sum up; to undo; to annul
resolverse: to be sorted out; to make up one's mind; to decide
resonancia: resonance; echo; impact
resonar: to resound; to resonate; to echo
resoplar: to pant; to gasp; to breathe hard; to puff; to snort
resoplido: panting; gasping; puffing; snort
resorte: spring; resilience; elasticity; lever; means; rubber band
respaldar: back; to back; to support; to protect; to endorse
respaldarse: to lean back; to get backing or support
respaldo: back; support; backing; endorsement; espalier
respectar: to concern; to regard; to relate to
respectivo: respective
respecto: respect; al respecto: in the matter; con respecto a: with regard to
respetable: respectable; considerable; el respetable: the audience
respetar: to respect; to obey
respeto: respect; reverence; dutifulness; awe; fear; attention; care; regard; observance
respetuoso: respectful; deferential; dutiful; humble; obedient; awesome; impressive
respingado: turned-up
respingar: to jerk; to start; to grumble; to curl up
respingo: start; gesture of willingness
respingón: turned-up; hangnail
respiración: respiration; breathing; ventilation; respiración boca a boca: kiss of life; mouth-to-
mouth resuscitation
respiradero: vent; air hole; air passage; loophole; louver; breather; respite