English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

reputado: famous; renowned
reputar: to consider; to repute; to judge; to think; to prize; to value
requemar: to scorch; to overcook; to overbake; to burn; to burn again; to sunburn; to parch; to
dry; to bite; to sting; to hurt; to infuriate
requemarse: to burn; to become scorched
requerimiento: request; requisition; summons; court order; need; requirement
requerir: to require; to request; to induce; to need; to call for; to summon
requesón: cottage cheese; pot cheese; curd
requiebro: compliment; flattering remark
réquiem: requiem
requisa: requisition; inspection
requisar: to requisition
requisito: requirement; requisite
requisitoria: court order for the finding and arrest of a criminal
res: head of cattle; beast; a game quadruped
resabido: well known; affecting learning; know-all
resabio: unpleasant aftertaste; vice; bad habit
resaca: hangover; undertow; undercurrent; redraft
resalado: witty; charming; nimblewitted
resaltar: to rebound; to jut out; to project; to set off; to bring out; to stress; to emphasize
resalte: projection; ledge; prominence; ridge
resalto: projection; ledge; rebound
resarcir: to compensate; to indemnify; to make good to
resarcirse: to recover; to recoup; to make good for
resbaladizo: slippery; skiddy; delicate
resbalar: to slip; to slide; to glide; to trickle; to be slippery; me resbala: I don't care
resbalarse: to slip
resbalón: slip; slipping; misstep; blunder; slip-up
rescatar: to rescue; to revive; to ransom; to redeem; to recover; to make up for lost time
rescate: rescue; ransom; redemption; ransom money
rescindir: to cancel; to terminate; to rescind
rescisión: cancellation; termination; rescission
rescoldo: ember; hot ashes; scruple; doubt
resecar: to dry out; to dry up; to resect
resecarse: to become too dry
reseco: parched; very dry; dry; dried up; thin; lean; sparse
resentido: resentful; painful; offended; displeased
resentimiento: resentment; umbrage
resentirse: to weaken; to feel the effects; to take offence; to begin to give way; to be offended or
reseña: review; summary; account; description; signalment
reseñar: to review; to report on; to make a brief description or narration
reserva: reservation; booking; reserve; stock; reticence; circumspection; secrecy; restriction;
resist; substitute; vintage wine
reservado: reserved; booked; confidential; reticent; discreet; circumspect; private; private room
reservar: to reserve; to book; to save; to keep back; to keep aside; to keep secret; to conceal
reservarse: to save oneself; to save one's strength; to withhold; to reserve; to bide one's time; to
be cautious or distrustful
reservista: reservist
resfriado: cold; catarrh
resfriar: to cool; to chill; to moderate

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