English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

respirador: ventilator
respirar: to breathe; to respire; to take breath; to get rest or respite; to speak; to open one's lips;
to inhale; to exude
respiratorio: respiratory
respiro: respiration; breathing; breath; respite; breather; extension of time
resplandecer: to shine; to glean; to glitter; to glow; to beam; to stand out
resplandeciente: shining; gleaming; glittering; sparkling; radiant; bright; luminous
resplandor: brightness; brilliance; glow; gleam; glitter; light; luster; splendour
responder: to answer; to reply; to respond to; to echo; to requite; to return; to yield; to be
productive; to have the desired effect; to correspond; to be saucy; to face; to take responsibility
respondón: answering back; saucy
responsabilidad: responsibility; liability
responsabilizar: to hold responsible
responsabilizarse: to take responsibility
responsable: responsible; conscientious; liable; answerable; in charge; culprit; perpetrator
responso: prayer for the dead
respuesta: reply; answer; response; reaction
resquebrajadura: crack; crevice; chink; flaw; split
resquebrajar: to crack; to split
resquebrajarse: to crack
resquemor: resentment; smarting; annoyance
resquicio: chink; crack; slight chance; narrow opening
resta: subtraction; difference
restablecer: to re-establish; to restore
restablecerse: to recover
restablecimiento: re-establishment; restoration; recovery
restallar: to crack; to snap; to crackle
restante: remaining; remainder rest
restañar: to stanch; to heal; to retin
restar: to subtract; to take away; to return; to remain; to be left; to deduct; to retract
restauración: restoration; re-establishment; catering
restaurador: restorer; restaurant owner
restaurante: restaurant; restoring; restorer
restaurar: to restore; to re-establish
restinga: shoal; bar
restituir: to return; to restore; to give back; to bring back
resto: rest; remainder; residue; return; limit for stakes; echar el resto: to give one's best
restregar: to scrub; to rub
restregarse: to rub
restricción: restriction; limitation; restraint
restrictivo: restrictive
restriego: restregar
restringir: to restrict; to cut back; to limit; to constrict; to contract
resucitar: to resurrect; to resuscitate; to revive; to bring back; to rise from the dead
resuello: panting; hard breathing
resuelto: resolute; determined; bold; daring; prompt; quick; solved
resuelvo: resolver
resultado: result; outcome; effect; consequence; score
resultante: resulting; resultant
resultar: to result; to be; to prove to be; to turn out to be; to come out; to be advantageous; to

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