resultas: a resultas de: as a result of
resumen: summary; abstract; résumé; summing up
resumir: to summarize; to abstract; to abridge; to sum up
resumirse: to be reduced to
resurgimiento: re-emergence; resurgence; revival; renewal
resurgir: to recover; to resurge; to revive; to spring up again
resurrección: resurrection; resuscitation; revival
retablo: altarpiece; retable
retaco: squat; short person; chubby fellow; kind of short musket
retaguardia: rearguard; rear
retahíla: series; string
retal: remnant; piece; clipping; scrap
retama: broom
retar: to challenge; to dare; to tell off
retardado: delayed; retarded; retardate
retardar: to postpone; to put off; to slow down; to hold up; to slacken; to delay
retardo: retard; retardation; delay
retazo: remnant; piece; scrap; fragment; portion; snippet
retén: squad of reserves; checkpoint; store; stock; reserve
retención: deduction; delay; hold-up; retention
retener: to keep; to detain; to restrain; to hold back; to stop; to hold; to catch; to detain in prison;
to remember; to retain
retentiva: memory; retentiveness
reticencia: reluctance; a manner of saying a thing which is incomplete or suggests that more
could be said about it
reticente: reluctant
retina: retina
retintín: jingling; ringing; sarcasm
retirada: retreat; withdrawal; retirement; disposal; tatoo; safety; dry bed
retirado: remote; retired; secluded; pensioned; pensioner; retiree
retirar: to remove; to move away; to withdraw; to retire; to take back; to call in; to put out of the
way; to push back or aside; to force to retire
retirarse: to move away; to retire; to withdraw; to go away; to retreat
retiro: retirement; withdrawal; retreat; seclusion
reto: challenge; dare; defiance; telling-off
retocar: to touch up; to finish; to retouch; to alter
retomar: to resume; to start again
retoño: sprout; shoot; tiller; kid; child
retoque: final touch; alteration; retouch
retorcer: to twist; to wring out; to wrench; to screw; to retort; to convolve; to distort; to
retorcerse: to writhe; to squirm; to wriggle
retorcido: twisted; convoluted
retórica: rhetoric; hot air; empty words
retórico: rhetorical; long-winded; rethorician
retornable: returnable
retornar: to return; to revert; to give back; to go back
retorno: return; coming back; repayment; barter; exchange
retortero: turn around
retortijón: stomach cramp; twist; twisting
retozar: to frolic; to gambol; to frisk; to disport; to play; to be aroused