English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

rodríguez: grass widower
roedor: rodent; gnawing; biting; stinging; consuming
roer: to nibble; to gnaw; to eat into; to gnaw at; to niggle at; to wear away; to fret; to corrode; to
pick a bone
rogar: to request; to ask; to beg; to entreat; to pray
rogativas: supplications; public prayers to God
rojez: redness; reddishness; ruddiness
rojizo: reddish; reddy; ruddy
rojo: red; communist; ruddy
rol: role; roll; list; muster roll
rollizo: plump; chubby; stocky; round; cylindrical
rollo: roll; coil; reel; film; scroll; round log; roller; rolling pin; cylindrical boulder; boring
Roma: Rome
romance: Romance; ballad; poem in octosyllabic metre with alternate lines in assonance;
romancero: collection of ballads; collection of Spanish mediaeval ballads
románico: Romanesque; Romanic; Romance
romano: Roman; romaine
romanticismo: romanticism
romántico: romantic
rombo: diamond; rhombus; losenge
romboide: rhomboid
romería: pilgrimage; saint's festival at a shrine
romero: pilgrim; palmer; rosemary
romo: blunt; snub-nosed; dull; stupid
rompecabezas: puzzle; brainteaser; jigsaw; riddle; slung shot
rompehielos: icebreaker; iceboat
rompehuelgas: strikebreaker
rompenueces: nutcracker
rompeolas: breakwater
romper: to break; to crack; to fracture; to shatter; to smash; to tear; to rend; to wear out; to break
up; to cleave; to rout; to defeat; to burst; to open; to begin, to start; to be a pain
romperse: to break; to fracture, to shatter; to smash; to tear
rompientes: shoal; reef; rock; breaking
ron: rum
roncar: to snore; to roar; to bluster; to brag; to play the bully
roncha: weal; wale; welt; swelling; black and blue mark; round slice
ronco: husky; harsh; hoarse; raucous
ronda: round; hand; cycling race held in stages; night patrol; beat; party of night serenaders;
way around a town or its walls; ring-a-ring o'roses; ring-around a rosy
rondalla: group of young street minstrels; fable; story; tale
rondar: to patrol; to go the rounds watching; to walk by night; to court; to woo; to hover about;
to prowl; to be coming on; to make rounds
rondón: meterse de rondón: to enter suddenly without calling at the door or being invited
ronquera: hoarseness
ronquido: snore; harsh; raucous sound
ronronear: to purr
ronroneo: purr
ronzal: halter
ronzar: to crunch; to move with a level
roña: grime; filth; scab; mange; rust; stinginess; meanness; skinflint; stingy; tight-fisted; moral

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