ritual: ritual
rival: rival
rivalidad: rivalry
rivalizar: to vie; to compete
rivera: stream; brook; creek
rizado: curly; choppy; ripply; curling; frizzling; crimping; curls; frizzle
rizar: to curl; to crisp; to frizz; to frizzle; to crimp; to flute; to corrugate; to ripple
rizarse: to curl; to become curly; to ripple
rizo: curl; frizzle; ringlet; ripple; loop; reef; rizar el rizo: to loop the loop
róbalo: sea bass; snook
robar: to steal; to take up; to rob; to pilfer; to plunder; to thieve; to abduct; to sweep away; to
draw; to pick up
roble: oak; strong; strong person or thing
robledal: oak wood
robledo: oak wood
robo: theft; stealing; pilferage; larceny; robbery; plunder; draw; drawing
robot: robot; robot de cocina: food processor
robustecer: to strengthen; to make strong
robustecerse: to gain strength; to become stronger
robusto: robust; sturdy; strong; solid; hale; vigorous
roca: rock
rocambolesco: far-fetched
roce: rubbing; grazing; friction; light touch; mark; brush; contact
rociada: spray; shower; volley; sprinkling; aspersion; reprimand
rociar: to dew; to bedew; to sprinkle; to spray; to asperse
rocín: nag; hack; jade; sorry horse; stupid and coarse fellow
rocío: dew; spray; sprinkle; spindrift; light shower
rococó: rococo
rocola: jukebox
rocoso: rocky
rodaballo: turbot; brill
rodado: vehicular; dapple; dappled; rounded; fluent; canto rodado: boulder
rodaja: slice; steak; disk; circular plate; rowel
rodaje: filming; shooting; running in; breaking in; experience; wheels
rodapié: skirting board; baseboard; drapery around the bottom of a bed or table
rodar: to roll; to roll down; to fall rolling; to tumble; to turn; to wheel; to revolve; to rotate; to
wander; to go about or around; to roam; to abound; to happen one after another; to film; to shoot;
tu run in; to break in
rodear: to surround; to encircle; to invest; to avoid; to round up; to make a detour; to beat about
the bush; to move; to stir; to turn about
rodearse: to surround oneself
rodeo: detour; roundabout way; roundabout; evasion; rodeo; roundup
rodete: bun; padded ring; horizontal water wheel
rodilla: knee; cleaning cloth
rodillazo: blow or push with the knee
rodillera: knee guard; knee cap; genouillere; baggy knee; knee injury; patch on the knee of
rodillo: roller; rolling pin; brayer; platen of typewriter
rodio: rhodium
rododendro: rhododendron
rodrigón: stake; prop; old retainer who escorted ladies