English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

royó: roer
rozadura: scratch; abrasion; chafing; rubbing; sign of wear; chafe; gall
rozamiento: rubbing; friction; chafing
rozar: to touch; to brush; to border on; to graze; to browse; to nibble; to grub; to stub; to weed;
to clear
rozarse: to touch; to graze; to come into contact
Ruanda: Rwanda
ruandés: Rwandan
rubeola: rubella; German measles
rubí: ruby; jewel
rubia: one peseta coin; madder; a fresh-water fish; blonde
rubiales: blond; blonde
rubicundo: ruddy; rubicund; reddish
rubio: blond; fair; golden; blonde; lager; Virginia;
rubidio: rubidium
rublo: ruble; rouble
rubor: embarrassment; blush; red colour
ruborizar: to embarrass; to cause to blush
ruborizarse: to blush; to turn red
rúbrica: flourish; final flourish; heading; title; rubric
rubricar: to confirm; to certify; to attest; to complete; to endorse; to vouch for; to sign with a
rucio: grey; ass; donkey
ruda: rue
rudeza: roughness; coarseness; rudeness; dullness; stupidity
rudimentario: rudimentary; elementary
rudimentos: rudiments; basic knowledge
rudo: rough; sharp; brusque; coarse; hard; crude; rugged; dull; stupid
rueca: spinning wheel; distaff; twist; turn
rueda: wheel; caster; roller; slice; circle; ring; turn; excessive order; sunfish; rack; rueda de
prensa: press conference; rueda de molino: millstone
ruedo: bullring; arena; hem; edge; fringe; ring; circle; turn; rotation; circuit; circumference; mat;
ruego: request; entreaty; prayer; petition; rogar
rufián: villain; scoundrel; rogue; pimp; pander
rugby: rugby
rugido: roar; bellow; roaring; raging
rugir: to roar; to bellow; to rage
rugosidad: ruggedness; wrinkle
rugoso: rough; wrinkled; crinkled; rugged
ruibarbo: rhubarb
ruido: noise; sound; row; commotion; ado; fuss; mucho ruido y pocas nueces: a lot of fuss
about nothing
ruidoso: noisy; loud; clamorous; sensational
ruin: low; contemptible; mean; despicable; vile; base; poor; paltry; sorry; little; stunted; stingy;
low-minded; rascally; treacherous; vicious; rascal, scoundrel
ruina: ruin; destruction; wreck; downfall; ruinas: ruins
ruindad: baseness; meanness; vileness; stinginess; vile deed; dirty trick
ruinoso: ruinous; ramshackle; dilapidated; tumbledown
ruiseñor: nightingale
rulero: curler; roller

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