sanar: to cure; to heal; to get better; to recover sickness
sanatorio: sanatorium; sanitarium
sanción: sanction; authorization; ratification of an act of Parliament by the king or the President
sancionar: to penalize; to sanction; to ratify
sancocho: stew made with meat, plantain and yucca
sandalia: sandal
sándalo: sandalwood
sandez: stupidity; silliness; inanity; foolish or stupid act or remark; piece of nonsense
sandía: watermelon
sandío: foolish; stupid; fool
sandwich: sandwich
sandwichera: sandwich toaster
sandwichería: sandwich bar
saneado: healthy; fit; free from charges or deductions
saneamiento: cleaning-up; sanitation; drainage; reparation
sanear: to clean up; to put on a sound footing; to drain; to repair; to improve
sanfermines: festival during which bulls are run through the streets of Pamplona
sangrado: indentation
sangrante: bleeding
sangrar: to bleed; to tap; to indent; to bleed dry; to drain; to open an outlet in
sangre: blood; gore; sangre fría: cold blood; sangfroid; serenity
sangría: bleeding; bloodletting; drain; tap; tapping; indentation; inner pit of the arm opposite to
the elbow; sangria
sangriento: bleeding; bloody; bloodthirsty; cruel; savage; gory; sanguinary; blood-red
sanguijuela: leech; bloodsucker
sanguinario: bloodthirsty; cruel; sanguinary
sanguíneo: blood; sanguineous; sanguine
sanguinolento: bleeding; bloody; bloodstained; bloodshot; sanguinolent
sanidad: health; soundness; healthfulness; public health system
sanitario: health; sanitary; paramedic; sanitarios: bathroom fittings
sano: healthy; undamaged; intact; wholesome; hale; fit; healthful; salutary; sound; whole; wise;
discreet; sano y salvo: safe and sound; cortar por lo sano: to take drastic measures
sánscrito: Sanskrit
sanseacabó: finished!
santa: female saint; saintly woman; virtuous woman
santacruceño: inhabitant of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
santanderino: inhabitant of Santander
santero: sanctimonious; healer; caretaker of a sanctuary; collector of alms who carries a saint's
santiagueño: inhabitant of Santiago
santiaguero: inhabitant of Santiago de Cuba
santiagués: inhabitant of Santiago de Compostela
santiagueño: inhabitant of Santiago de Chile
santiamén: en un santiamén: in an instant; in a jiffy; in the twinkling of an eye
santidad: saintliness; sanctity; holiness; godliness
santificación: sanctification
santificar: to sanctify; to keep; to observe; to hallow
santiguar: to make the sign of the cross over; to bless; to cross; to treat sickness superstitiously
by signs of the cross
santiguarse: to cross oneself; to make the sign of the cross
santísimo: most holy