santo: holy; sacred; blessed; saint; canonized by the church; saintly; godly; virtuous; fête; fête
day; image of a saint; picture; saint's day; irse el santo al cielo: to forget what one was up
santón: leading figure; heavyweight; big man; boss; hypocrite
santónico: wormwood
santoral: calendar of saints' days; the lives of the saints
santuario: sanctuary; sanctum sanctorum
santurrón: sanctimonious
saña: cruelty; rage; fury
sapiencia: wisdom; sapience
sapo: toad
saponaria: soapwort
saque: kickoff; throw-in; service; serve; tener buen saque: to be a big eater
saque: sacar
saqueador: sacker; pillager; plunderer; looter
saquear: to plunder; to sack; to loot; to pillage
saqueo: sacking; sack; pillage; plunder; looting
sarampión: measles
sarao: soirée; evening party; fuss; to-do
sarcasmo: sarcasm
sarcástico: sarcastic
sarcófago: sarcophagus
sardana: Catalan folk dance and music
sardina: sardine
sardinero: sardine; sardine dealer
sardo: Sardinian
sardónico: sardonic
sarga: serge; painted wall fabric; a variety of willow
sargazo: Sargasso; gulfweed
sargenta: battle-axe; bossy woman
sargento: sergeant; bossy person
sari: sari
sarmentoso: gnarled; creeping; sarmentous; vinelike; thin and knotty
sarmiento: shoot; vine shoot
sarna: mange; itch; scabies; sarna con gusto no pica: doing something you enjoy is never a
sarnoso: mangy; itchy; scabious
sarong: sarong
sarpullido: rash; fine eruption; flea bites
sarraceno: Saracen
sarro: deposit; limescale; tartar; crust; incrustation; fur; mildew
sarta: string; series
sartén: frying pan; panful; tener la sartén por el mango; to have the upper hand
sartenada: panful; contents of a frying pan
sastra: tailoress; wardrobe mistress
sastre: tailor; tailored
sastrería: tailoring; tailor's trade; tailor's shop
Satán, Satanás: Satan; Satanas; the Devil
satánico: satanic; satanical
satanismo: Satanism
satélite: satellite; follower
satén: satin; sateen