satin: satin; satinwood
satinado: satin-finish
satinar: to give a satin finish to; to satin; to calender; to glaze; to burnish
sátira: satire
satírico: satirical; satiric; satyric; satirist
satirizar: to satirize; to lampoon
sátiro: satyr
satisfacción: satisfaction; confidence; conceit
satisfacer: to satisfy; to meet; to comply with; to answer; to fulfil; to pay off; to settle; to
satisfacerse: to be satisfied; to satisfy oneself
satisfactorio: satisfactory
satisfecho: satisfied; content; vain; conceited; satisfacer
saturación: saturation
saturado: saturated; jam-packed
saturar: to saturate; to satiate
saturarse: to become overloaded; to get jam-packed
Saturno: Saturn
sauce: willow; sauce llorón: weeping willow
saúco: elder
saudí: Saudi
saudita: Saudi
sauna: sauna
savia: sap
saxífraga: saxifrage; sassafras
saxo: sax; saxophonist; saxophone
saxofón: saxophone; saxophonist
saxofonista: saxophonist
saxófono: saxofón
sayo: smock; kind of cassock or loose coat; any garment
sazón: ripeness; maturity; seasoning; season; time; opportunity; taste; favour; a la sazón: then;
at that time
sazonar: to season, to flavour; to give zest to; to ripen; to mature
sazonarse: to ripen; to mature
se: himself; herself; his; her; yourselves; themselves; each other
sé: saber; ser
sea: ser
sebáceo: sebaceous
sebo: tallow; suet; fat; grease
secadero: drying shed; drying place
secado: drying
secador: dryer; drier; hairdryer; hand-dryer; drying room
secadora: tumble dryer
secamente: bluntly; curtly
secano: unwatered land; dry land; dry and bank
secante: drying; blotting; secant; drying oil; blotting paper
secar: to dry; to wipe; to desiccate; to parch; to blot; to dry up; to wither; to bore; to annoy
secarse: to dry; to dry oneself; to get dry; to wither; to run dry; to become lean; to be thirsty
sección: department; division; platoon; section; cross-section; cut; column
seccionar: to section; to cut off; to cut
secesión: secession