soy: ser
sparring: sparring partner
sport: casual
spot: commercial advertisement
spray: spray
sprint: sprint
sprinter: sprinter
squash: squash
stand: stand
standard: standard
standing: de alto standing: luxury
starter: choke
statu quo: status quo
status: status
stock: stock
stop: stop sign
stress: stress
striptease: striptease
su: his; her; their; your; its
suajili: swahili
suave: smooth; soft; gentle; delicate; mellow; mild; subdued; suave; tractable
suavidad: smoothness; softness; mildness; gentleness; delicateness; sweetness; suavity
suavizante: fabric conditioner; fabric softener; conditioner
suavizar: to make smooth; to soften; to smooth; to mollify; to mitigate; to ease; to temper; to
make less strong; to tone down; to calm down; to strop a razor
suavizarse: to ease; to calm down; to mellow; to become more easy-going
suba: price rise
subacuático: underwater; subaqua; subaqueous
subalimentación: undernourishment
subalimentado: undernourished
subalterno: subordinate; subaltern
subarrendador: sublessor; subletter; subleaser
subarrendamiento: subletting
subarrendar: to sublet; to sublease
subarrendatario: subtenant; sublessee
subarriendo: sublease; subtenancy
subasta: auction; auction sale
subastar: to auction; to auction off; to sell at auction
subatómico: subatomic
subcampeón: runner-up
subconsciente: subconscious
subcontinente: subcontinent
subdesarrollado: underdeveloped
subdesarrollo: underdevelopment
subdirector: assistant director; assistant manager; vice-chairman; vice-president; deputy editor;
assistant principal; deputy headmaster
súbdito: subject
subdividir: to subdivide
subdividirse: to subdivide
subespecie: subspecies
subestimar: to underestimate; to underrate; to undervalue