English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

subestimarse: to underestimate oneself
subfusil: automatic rifle
subgenero: minor genre; subgenus
subgrupo: subgroup
subibaja: seesaw
subida: rise; increase; climb; ascent; slope; accession; elevation; hoisting; acclivity
subido: deep; strong; daring; raised; mounted; high; bright
subíndice: subscript
subir: to go up; to rise; to get in; to climb; to take up; to raise; to ascend; to mount; to soar; to
subirse: to climb; to get in; to pull up
súbito: sudden; hasty; precipitate; impulsive
subjetividad: subjectivity
subjetivo: subjective
subjuntivo: subjunctive
sublevación: uprising; insurrection; revolt
sublevar: to incite to revolt; to stir up; to infuriate
sublevarse: to rise up; to revolt
sublime: sublime; exquisite
subliminar: subliminal
submarinismo: scuba diving; skin diving
submarinista: diving; scuba diver; skin-diver
submarino: underwater; submarine
subnormal: with learning difficulties; subnormal
suboficial: non-commissioned officer; petty officer
subordinación: subordination
subordinado: subordinate; subservient
subordinar: to subordinate
subordinarse: to subordinate oneself
subproducto: by-product
subrayar: to underline; to emphasize
subrepticio: surreptitious; underhand
subrogar: to subrogate; to surrogate; to substitute
subrutina: subroutine
subsanable: surmountable; rectifiable; repairable
subsanar: to solve; to overcome; to repair; to mend; to obviate; to excuse; to explain away
subsecretario: undersecretary
subsidiar: to subsidize
subsidio: subsidy; benefit; allowance
subsiguiente: subsequent
subsistencia: survival; subsistence
subsistir: to survive; to remain; to live; to subsist; to last
subsuelo: subsoil
subte: underground; subway
subteniente: second lieutenant
subterfugio: pretext; subterfuge
subterráneo: underground; subterranean; subway
subtitular: to subtitle
subtítulo: subtitle; subheading
subtropical: subtropical
suburbano: suburban; suburban train; suburbanite

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