English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

tanzano: Tanzanian
tañer: to strum; to toll; to ring; to play; to drum with the fingers
tañido: strumming; tolling; sound; sounding; tune; ringing
tapa: lid; cover; cap; head; board cover; heel; lift; layer; tapa; appetizer; hoof crust
tapacubo: hubcap
tapadera: lid; loose lid; cover; front; blind person who shields another
tapadillo: de tapadillo: without being seen; secretly; covertly
tapado: covered; blocked up; coat
tapar: to cover; to put the lid on; to put the top on; to block; to plug; to cap; to cork; to bung; to
fill; to tuck in; to close up; to obstruct; to hide; to conceal; to screen; to veil; to wrap up
taparse: to cover; to cover oneself up
taparrabos: loincloth; trunks
tapete: runner; table cloth; rug; cover
tapia: wall
tapiar: to wall in; to block off; to close up
tapicería: upholsterer's; upholstery; tapestry making; tapestries
tapicero: upholsterer; tapestry maker
tapioca: tapioca
tapir: tapir
tapisca: maize harvest
tapiz: tapestry
tapizar: to upholster; to tapestry; to carpet; to cover
tapón: stopper; top; cap; cork; bung; plug; cap; earplug; blockage; obstruction; bottleneck;
traffic jam; block; shrimp; shorty; fuse; tampon
taponar: to plug; to block; to stop; to tampon
taponarse: to get blocked; to get blocked up
tapujo: concealment; subterfuge; covering one's face
taquicardia: tachycardia
taquigrafía: shorthand; stenography
taquigrafiar: to take down in shorthand; to stenograph
taquígrafo: shorthand typist; stenographer
taquilla: ticket office; box office; takings; take; gate; locker; tavern
taquillero: ticket clerk; ticket seller; tavern keeper
taquillón: wooden cabinet with cupboard and drawers
taquimecanografía: shorthand typing; stenography
taquimecanógrafo: shorthand typist; stenographer and typewriter
tara: defect; fault; tare; tally
tarado: damaged; stupid; idiot
tarambana: having little sense; scatterbrained
tarántula: tarantula
tararear: to la-la; to hum
tarascada: sharp reply; bite; wound with the teeth
tardanza: delay; slowness; tardiness
tardar: to take a long time; to be slow, long or late
tarde: afternoon; evening; late; too late; <b to grow late; de tarde en tarde: once in a while;
tarde o temprano: sooner or later
tardío: late; tardy; slow; late crops
tardo: tardy; slow; sluggish; late; dull; dense; slow
tardón: slow; slowcoach: slowpoke; sluggish
tarea: task; job; work; toil; homework; assignment
tarifa: price; fare; rate; price list; tariff

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