tallarines: tagliatelle; noodles
talle: waist; figure; form; appearance; length form shoulder to waist; size; adjustment
taller: studio; atelier; workshop; garage; repair shop; factory
tallista: carver; sculptor; cutter
tallo: stem; stalk; shoot; sprout
talo: thallus
talón: heel; talon; a check or coupon detached from a stub book; standard
talonador: hooker
talonario: cheque book; checkbook; stub book
talonear: to hook; to spur on; to walk fast; to dash along
talud: slope; bank; talus; batter
tamal: tamale: meat in a bed of maize paste wrapped in a leaf
tamaño: size; such; very large or very small; so great
tamarindo: tamarind
tambalearse: to totter; to teeter; to wobble; to reel
también: too; as well; also; likewise
tambo: dairy farm; inn
tambor: drum; drummer; tambour; barrel; cylinder; brake drum; eardrum; tympanum; band
tamboril: small drum; tabor; tabour; timbrel
tambolirear: to drum
tamborileo: drumming
tamborilero: drummer; taborer
Támesis: Thames
tamiz: sieve; bolter
tamizar: to sieve; to sift
tampoco: not either; neither; either
tampón: ink pad; tampon
tam-tam: tom-tom
tan: so; as
tanatorio: funeral parlour comprising several chapels of rest
tanda: batch; series; performance; commercial break; turn; shift; relay; layer; bed
tándem: tandem bicycle
tanga: tanga
tangencial: tangential
tangente: tangent; irse por la tangente: to resort to subterfuges
Tánger: Tangier
tangerino: Tangerine
tangible: tangible
tango: tango
tanino: tannin
tanque: tank; water tank; reservoir
tanqueta: armoured car
tantalio: tantalum
tantear: to feel; to examine; to sound out; to size up; to try; to test; to explore; to consider
carefully; to sketch; to grope one's way; to keep the score
tanteo: sounding out; score; points; trial; testing; trial and error; rough calculation
tanto: so; so much; so many; as many; as much; thus; so long; so hard; so far; so often; in such a
manner; such a long time; to such a degree or extent; amount; sum; rate; point; goal; counter;
chip; copy
Tanzania: Tanzania